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The passuk in the Megillah states: "ותקרא אסתר להתך" – Then Esther called for Hasach, to find out why Mordechai was troubled. Rav said that Hasach was Daniel, and he was called Hasach, שחתכוהו מגדולתו – Because they had cut him down from his great stature. He no longer held the high position that he had while serving Belshazzar, Daryavesh and Koresh. Shmuel said he was called Hasach שכל דברי מלכות נחתכין על פיו – because all of the kingdom’s affairs were decided by him. After Mordechai told Hasach to tell Esther to plead with Achashverosh, and she refused, the passuk states: "ויגידו למרדכי את דברי אסתר" – And they told Mordechai the words of Esther. The Gemara notes that others told Mordechai that Esther refused and not Hasach, since he did not want to relay the bad news. מכאן שאין משיבין על הקלקלה – From here we learn that one should not bring back a bad report.
The passuk states: "ותעמד בחצר בית המלך הפנימית" – And she (Esther) stood in the inner court of the King’s house. Rebbe Levi said: כיון שהגיעה לבית הצלמים נסתלקה הימנה שכינה – As soon as she reached the chamber of idols, the Shechinah left her.אמרה "קלי קלי למה עזבתני" - She said,
“My G-d, my G-d, why have You forsaken me?” שמא אתה דן על שוגג כמזיד – Perhaps, you are treating a shogegg like a meizid, ועל אונס כרצון – or a sin committed under coercion like one done willingly? Rashi explains that Esther was saying to Hashem, that even though she was going to Achashverosh on her own choice, she really was being coerced (given her desire to save the Jewish people). או שמא על שקראתיו כלב – Or perhaps You have forsaken me because I called him, (Achashverosh) a dog, as the passuk states: "הצילה מחרב נפשי מיד כלב יחידתי" – Save my soul from the sword, my only one from the grasp of the dog. Esther therefore changed her wording and called him a lion, as it says in the passuk, "הושיעני מפי אריה" – Save me from the mouth of the lion.
When Achachverosh asked Esther what her request was, the passuk states that she answered, "יבוא המלך והמן...אל המשתה" – Let the king and Haman come today to the banquet which I have prepared for him. The Gemara brings a Baraisa with many opinions as to why Esther invited Haman as well. Rebbe Eliezer says that she set a trap for him. Rebbe Meir said: כדי שלא יטול עצה וימרוד – So that he would not take counsel and rebel. Rashi explains that Haman might rebel against the king being that he was going through a period of success. Rebbe Yehudah said she invited him so that he would not realize that she was a Jew. Rebbe Nechemyah said: כדי שלא יאמרו ישראל אחות יש לנו בבית המלך ויסיחו דעתן מן הרחמים – In order that the Jews should not say that they have a sister in the royal palace and will disregard davening for rachamim. Rebbe Yehoshua ben Korchah said that Esther planned on smiling at Haman, so Achashverosh will suspect them of adultery and have them both executed. The Gemara brings additional reasons from other Tannaim and Amoraim, and relates that Rabbah bar Avuha met Eliyahu Hanavi and asked him which was the real reason? Eliyahu answered: ככולהו תנאי וככולהו אמוראי – Esther did so based on all the reasons given by all the Tannaim and all the Amoraim.
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