Announcements הכרזות

Announcements הכרזות

As many of you know, much of our success has been fueled by the incredible contributions of our members—your creativity, ingenuity, and commitment to efficiency.…

Announcements הכרזות

Zichru is fueled by lomdim like you. Ariel Jacob has once again contributed resources

Each week we send out a mega files with the last week's worth of material. It also includes Parsha simanim and Parsha-Daf related material.

One stop page for all chazarah materails produced for Oraysa lomdim

Announcements הכרזות

Rabbi Jacob has once again contributed a remarkable new asset to our Zichru Resources: the Hilchos Yom Kippur Simanim Booklet. This resource includes Simanim for…

Rosh Hashanah 5785
Announcements הכרזות Videos

Special Rosh Hashanah message from Rabbi Goldhar to Zichru Lomdim

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