Moed Katan Daf 3 מועד קטן דַף 3

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1. Why watering seeds during shemittah  is permitted

The Gemara on the bottom of Daf 2b asks how our Mishnah can permit watering irrigated fields on shemittah, for whether one holds that watering is prohibited due to sowing or due to plowing, it should be prohibited? Abaye answered that the Mishnah is going according to Rebbe, who holds that shemittah nowadays is only a d’Rabbanon, and since there would be a loss  if one does not water his irrigated field on shemittah, the Rabbanon permitted it. Rava said that you can even say that the Mishnah is going according to the Rabbanon, who hold that shemittah nowadays is a d’Oraysa, אבות אסר רחמנא תולדות לא אסר רחמנא – the Torah only prohibits avos, not toldos. Since watering is considered a toldah, it is permitted. The Gemara brings the source that toldos are not prohibited mid’Oraysa, for the passuk states: "ובשנה השביעית שבת שבתון יהיה לארץ...שדך אל תזרע וכרמך לא תזמר" – But in the seventh year it will be a Shabbos Shabbason for the land…your field you should not plant nor your vineyards you shall not prune. The passuk continues and mentions harvesting and picking grapes. The Gemara notes that pruning is included in the melachah of sowing, and picking grapes is included in the melachah of harvesting. This teaches us that only these specific toldos are prohibited mid’Oraysa, but not others.

2. Until when one may plow erev sheviis

It was taught in a Mishnah in Sheviis: עד מתי חורשין בשדה אילן ערב שביעית – Until when may one plow in a field of trees erev Sheviis? Beis Shammai say: כל זמן שיפה לפרי – As long as it is beneficial to the fruit of the sixth year, and Beis Hillel say: עד העצרת – Until Shavuos, and the deadline of Beis Shammai is very close to Shavuos. ועד מתי חורשין שדה הלבן ערב שביעית – And until when may one plow a grain field erev sheviis? משתכלה הלחה וכל זמן שבני אדם חורשים ליטע מקשאות ומדלעות – Until the moisture in the ground stops, for Rashi explains after that point plowing the field appears as if it is for the shemittah year, and for as long as people plow to plant squash and gourd plants. Rebbe Shimon says: אם כן נתנה תורה שיעור לכל אחד ואחד בידו – If so, that the deadline is dependent on when people stop plowing, then the Torah has put the time for each individual to stop, in his own hands, אלא בשדה הלבן עד הפסח ובשדה האילן עד העצרת – rather, with regard to a grain field, one can plow up until Pesach, and with regard to a field of trees one may plow until Shavuos.

3. How Rabban Gamliel and his Beis Din were mevatel Beis Shammai and Beis Hillel’s decree

It was reported in the name of Bar Kappara: רבן גמליאל ובית דינו נמנו על שני פרקים הללו ובטלום – Rabban Gamliel and his Beis Din took a vote on these two times, referring to the deadline of Pesach and Shavuos, and nullified them, thereby permitting plowing until Rosh Hashanah of the shemittah year. Rebbe Zeira asked Rebbe Abahu, and some say that it was Reish Lakish who asked Rebbe Yochanan, how could Rabban Gamliel and his Beis Din annul a decree of Beis Shammai and Beis Hillel, for it was taught in a Mishnah in Ediyus: אין בית דין יכול לבטל דברי בית דין חבירו אלא אם כן גדול ממנו בחכמה ובמנין – A Beis Din cannot be mevatel a decree of another Beis Din unless it is greater than the earlier Beis Din in wisdom and number? Rebbe Abahu answered that Beis Shammai and Beis Hillel initially stipulated כל הרוצה לבטל יבוא ויבטל – Whoever wants to be mevatel the decree in the future may do so. The Gemara clarifies that the Halachah leMoshe miSinai that prohibits plowing thirty days before Rosh Hashanah remained in place.

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