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On Daf 87b Rav said: תפילת נעילה פוטרת את של ערבית – Ne’ilah exempts one from the chiyuv of Maariv, meaning if one has recited Ne’ilah he does not have to recite Maariv that night. Rashi explains that this is because Rav holds that Ne’ilah is recited after nightfall. Otherwise, it could not substitute for Maariv. On this Daf the Gemara teaches that the question of whether Ne’ilah can substitute for Maariv is actually a machlokes Tannaim for it was taught in a Baraisa: בעל קרי טובל והולך עד המנחה – A man who experiences a seminal emission on Yom Kippur may immerse himself at any time until Minchah. Rebbe Yose says:כל היום כולו – He may immerse himself anytime throughout the entire day. Rashi explains that according to the Rabbanon (Tanna Kamma), if the person had the emission after Minchah he is not permitted to immerse in the daytime for Ne’ilah since they hold Ne’ilah is recited at night. According to Rebbe Yose, the baal keri is permitted to immerse after Minchah since he holds Ne’ilah is a daytime tefillah, and a tevilah is required to recite the day’s tefillos.
A teacher of Baraisos taught the following Baraisa before Rav Nachman:הרואה קרי ביום הכפורים עונותיו מוחלין לו – If one experiences an involuntary seminal emission on Yom Kippur his sins have evidently been forgiven. Rashi says that it is a good siman for him. He will see offspring and live long days. The Gemara brings another Baraisa regarding such a person that states: עונותיו סדורין – his sins are arranged for the Beis Din shel maalah, which presumably means that he will be judged for them? The Gemara answers that it means סדורין לימחל – they are arranged in preparation to be forgiven, which is understood to mean that they are being examined to find grounds to pardon him.
A Baraisa of the yeshiva of Rebbe Yishmael taught: הרואה קרי ביום הכפורים ידאג כל השנה כולה – One who experiences a seminal emission on Yom Kippur should worry all year long. Rashi explains that the Beis Din shel maalah may be showing him that his fasting has been rejected, by using the only way to satiate him against his will. [Although he was attempting to abstain from intimate relations, they compelled him to experience a resemblance of it.] He is like a servant who came to mix his master’s drink only to have the master dash the drink back in his face. ואם עלתה לו שנה מובטח לו שהוא בן העולם הבא – But if he lives out the year, he may be assured that he has a place in Olam Habah. Rashi explains that living out the year means that he has ma’asim tovim to his credit and is thus deserving of Olam Habah. When Rav Dimi came to Bavel he said: מפיש חיי סגי ומסגי – He will live long, multiply, and multiply further. Rashi explains that this promise is alluded to in Yeshaya “יראה זרע יאריך ימים” – which can be interpreted to mean: [if] he sees seed (i.e., semen) he will see offspring and live long days. יראה זרע has the double meaning of seeing seed and seeing offspring.
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