Yoma Daf 69 יומא דַף 69

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1. Shimon HaTzadik’s encounter with Alexander

The Gemara brings a Baraisa that teaches that it is forbidden for Kohanim to wear the bigdei kehunah outside the Beis HaMikdash but one is permitted to wear them in the Mikdash even when not performing an avodah. Rashi explains that it is forbidden to wear them outside the Mikdash because he is treating the begadim in a mundane manner. The Gemara questions whether Kohanim are prohibited from wearing the begadim outside, from a Baraisa that details Shimon HaTzadik’s encounter with Alexander, who had been encouraged by the Kusim to destroy the Beis HaMikdash. Shimon HaTzadik went out wearing the bigdei Kehunah and when Alexander saw him approaching, the emperor got off his chariot and bowed before him. He explained that when he went to battle, he saw a likeness of Shimon HaTzadik on the battlefield, which enabled him to be victorious. As a result, he refused to destroy the Beis HaMikdash and instead gave over the Kusim into the Jewish people’s hands. We see from here that Shimon HaTzadik did wear the begadim outside? The Gemara answers that either they were not the actual bigdei kehuna, but rather they were garments that were fitting to be used as bigdei kehunah, or that here he was permitted to wear bigdei kehunah, as it was an emergency, based on the passuk, but עת לעשות לה' הפרו תורתך – It is a time to act for Hashem, they have nullified your Torah.

  2. Getting rid of the Yetzer Hora for avodah zarah

The Gemara relates that the אנשי כנסת הגדולה cried out to Hashem regarding the Yetzer Hora for avodah zarah. They said it was responsible for the churban of Bayis Rishon, the death of tzadikim, and the subsequent galus, and yet it still dances among them. Since the only reason it was given to them was to give them reward for overcoming it, they said, "לא איהו בעינן ולא אגריה בעינן" – We do not want it and we do not want the reward for overcoming it. A petek fell from Shomayim with the word “Emes” written on it. The Gemara relates how they fasted for three days and nights and were able to successfully subdue it. It emerged from the Kodesh HaKedoshim in the likeness of a fiery lion cub and they cast in a lead cauldron and covered it. When the אנשי כנסת הגדולה saw that it was anעת רצון, they davened to be rid of the Yetzer Hora for immorality, as well. When they captured it, the Yetzer Hora warned them that if they kill it, the world will become a desolate place. Rashi explains that the urge for procreation will cease. They imprisoned it for three days and they could not find a freshly laid egg. They decided to blind its eyes and release it, and this blinding accomplished that a person does not desire incestuous relationships.

3. Why they were called the אנשי כנסת הגדולה

Rebbe Yehoshua ben Levi said: Why were they called the אנשי כנסת הגדולה? שהחזירו עטרה ליושנה – Because they restored the crown of Hashem’s glory to its original luster. Moshe had said, האל הגדול הגבור והנורא. Then Yirmiyahu questioned G-d’s awesomeness, as there were nochrim "croaking" in the Heichal and he stopped mentioning נורא. Daniel questioned Hashem’s power, as the Jewish people were enslaved, and he stopped mentioning גבורה. The אנשי כנסת הגדולה then came and said that it was to the contrary. Hashem’s גבורה isשכובש את יצרו – He restrains His will all the years that the Jews are subjugated and shows a long-suffering countenance to the wicked by not punishing them for all of their evil oppressions. And Hashem being נורא, is seen, because if not for His awe among the nations, how could one nation survive among the seventy nations of the world? They, therefore reinstated mention of these attributes in tefillah. Therefore, they are called the אנשי כנסת הגדולה, the Men of the Great Assembly because they magnified Hashem by restoring the full complement of praises that were uttered by Moshe.

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