Yoma Daf 62 יומא דַף 62

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1. Which goat is chosen to be sent to Azazel?

Rashi explains on the bottom of Daf 61b, that in a case when the blood of the chatas goat spilled, a replacement goat cannot be designated without repeating the lottery with two new goats. One would be designated for Hashem and the other one would be eligible to be sent to Azazel. If three chatas goats had to be shechted, there would also be three goats available to be sent to Azazel. The Gemara here, discusses which of the Azazel goats is sent. Rav Pappi said in the name of Rava, ראשון משלח – he sends the first one. But Rav Shimi said in the name of Rava, אחרון משלח – he sends the last one. The Gemara says that the opinion reported by Rav Shimi in the name of Rava makes sense הואיל וגמר בו כפרה – because he holds the last goat is the primary one since the kaparah was completed with it, meaning with its counterpart. The Gemara seeks to clarify what the basis is for the opinion reported by Rav Pappi, and concludes that is in accordance with Rebbe Yose, who says that in a case where one designated a pesach and it became lost, and he designated another one in its stead, and then the first one was found, Rebbe Yose holds מצוה בראשון – it is a mitzvah to use the first one, unless the second one is superior.

2. The two se’irim should be similar

The opening Mishnah of the sixth perek states,שני שעירי יום הכפורים מצותן שיהיו שניהן שוין במראה ובקומה ובדמים ובלקיחתן כאחד – The two goats of Yom Kippur, their mitzvah is that they be alike in appearance, in height, in value, and they should be purchased at the same time. ואף על פי שאין שוין כשרין – Nevertheless, if they are not alike in these features, they are valid. The Gemara brings a Baraisa that discusses the source for this halachah. The passuk states,"יקח שני שעירי עזים" - He shall take two goats. מיעוט שעירי שנים – Now we already know that the minimum number indicated by the plural “goats”, is two. What then does the passuk teach by stating: two? That the two should be alike. From where do we know that even though that the two of them are not alike, they are nevertheless valid? תלמוד לומר "שעיר" "שעיר" ריבה – The Torah states “goat” two times, which teaches us that even if they are not alike, they are valid.

3. שני שעירי יום הכפורים ששחטן בחוץ

It was taught in a Baraisa, שני שעירי יום הכפורים ששחטן בחוץ – If one shechted the two Yom Kippur goats outside of the azarah, עד שלא הגריל עליהן חייב על שניהם – if he did so before the Kohen Gadol cast the lots on them, he is liable for both of them. משהגריל עליהן – After the Kohen Gadol cast the lots upon them,חייב על של שם ופטור על של עזאזל – he is chayav for the one of Hashem and patur for the Azazel one. Rashi explains that one is only chayav for shechting outside the azarah if the animal could have been brought into it, which is not the case with the Azazel one. The Gemara asks what the two goats are fit for to be brought, since before the lottery neither goat is fit to be offered as the שעיר לה'. When Rav Chisda answered that he is liable since each goat is fit to be brought as part of the mussaf, the Gemara objects saying that since it is lacking the lottery it is not fit to be brought as a mussaf דמחסרי עבודת היום – because it is lacking the service of the day. The casting of lots comes before the mussaf is brought. The Gemara answers that Rav Chisda holds,אין מחוסר זמן לבו ביום – that the status of a premature time, does not apply to a korban that will become valid later that very day.

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