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Rami bar Chama asked Rav Chisda, הניח מזרק בתוך מזרק וקבל בו את הדם מהו – What is the halachah if a Kohen placed a receiving bowl inside another receiving bowl, and received the blood of a korban in it? מין במינו חוצץ או אינו חוצץ – Does something of a given kind, act as a chatzitzah with regard to something else of its kind, or does it not? After rejecting one proof that it does not and one proof that it does, the Gemara presents an alternative version of Rami bar Chama’s question.דרך שירות בכך או אין דרך שירות בכך – Is it considered a proper manner of service to do so, (to receive the blood in a bowl within a bowl), or not? The Gemara answered from a Baraisa taught in the yeshiva of Rebbe Yishmael, that the Torah states, את כל כלי השרת אשר ישרתו בם בקדש – And they should take all the service vessels that they used for service in the holy place. The passuk speaks of שני כלים ושירות אחת – two keilim and one service, implying that two keilim may be used for one service.
The next Mishnah describes the avodah the Kohen Gadol did on the mizbach hazahav after concluding the sprinkling on the paroches. The passuk states, ויצא אל המזבח אשר לפני ה' – He shall go out to the mizbayach that is before Hashem; זה מזבח הזהב – This refers to the Golden altar. The Gemara brings a Baraisa that taught: "ויצא אל המזבח" מה תלמוד לומר – What is the Torah teaching when it says, "the Kohen Gadol shall go out to the mizbayach"? Rebbe Nechemyah said, לפי שמצינו בפר הבא על כל המצות – since we find that the Kohen Gadol’s bull chatas, brought for inadvertently committing a sin that is punishable by kares, as a result of his own incorrect halachic ruling, that at the moment the Kohen Gadol does haza’ah towards the paroches, he stands past the mizbayach, between the mizbayach and the entrance to the Heichal, it might have been thought that here too he stands past the mizbayach. The passuk concerning the Yom Kippur offering therefore states, ויצא אל המזבח – He shall go out to the mizbayach, from which we infer, that previously, when doing haza’ah on the paroches, he was standing לפנים מן המזבח – inwards from the mizbayach, between the mizbayach and the paroches.
The Gemara brings a Baraisa with a machlokes regarding the sequence the Kohen Gadol used to daub blood on each of the four corners of the mizbach hazahav. Rebbe Akiva says that he started from the southeast corner, and then proceeded to the southwest, northwest, and northeast corners. Rebbe Yose HaGlili says that he began from the northeast corner and proceeded from there to the northwest, southwest, and southeast corners. The Gemara notes,דכולי עלמא מיהא בההוא קרן דפגע ברישא לא עביד – Everyone agrees that the corner which the Kohen Gadol first encounters as he walks towards the mizbayach, is not the one he does the first application of blood on. Rashi explains that he first encounters a western corner. What is the reason for this? Shmuel answered that the passuk states, ויצא אל המזבח – he shall go out to the Altar. This implies that he should not make any blood applications at allעד דנפיק מכוליה מזבח – until he passes the entire length of the mizbayach.
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