Yoma Daf 53 יומא דַף 53

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1. The machlokes with the Tzadukim regarding when to put the ketores on the coals

It was taught in a Baraisa, the Torah states: He shall take the ketores and bring it within the paroches "ונתן את הקטרת על האש לפני ה'" – and he shall place the ketores upon the fire, before Hashem. This teaches us שלא יתקן מבחוץ ויכניס – He should not prepare the ketores by placing it on the coals on the outside, and then bring it into the Kodesh Hakedoshim. The Baraisa tells us thisלהוציא מלבן של צדוקין שאומרים יתקן מבחוץ ויכניס – to counter the mindset of the Tzadukim, who say that he should prepare it outside and then bring it in, who based their position on the passuk,  כי בענן אראה על הכפרת –if he comes with a cloud of smoke of the ketores; then I will appear upon the kapores. The Rabbanon learn from that passuk, שנותן בה מעלה עשן – that when combining the different ingredients of the ketores, one should put in a maaleh ashan. Rashi says that this is the certain herb that makes the smoke rise in a shaft, like a stick.

  2. Walking backwards upon departing

The Mishnah on Daf 52b, stated regarding the Kohen Gadol leaving the Kodesh Hakedoshim,יצא ובא לו בדרך בית כניסתו – He left, walking backwards, in the manner of his entry. The Gemara asks how it is known that the Kohen Gadol walks backwards, and Rebbe Shmuel bar Nachmani said in the name of Rebbe Yonasan that it is learned from a passuk, ויבא שלמה לבמה אשר בגבעון ירושלם  - And Shlomo came to the bamah, which was in Givon Yerushalayim. Since Givon and Yerushalayim are far apart, the passuk must be coming to make a hekesh, comparing Shlomo going from Givon to Yerushalayim after offering his korbanos, to his initial coming from Yerushalayim to Givon. Just as in his coming to Givon, he faced towards the bamah, in the direction of his approach, so too in returning to Yerushalayim, his face was toward the bamah. The same etiquette applies to Kohanim, Leviim, and Yisroelim who are part of the ma’amad, that when they leave their respective services, they would not turn their faces away and go, but turn their faces sideways and go. וכן תלמיד הנפטר מרבו – and similarly a talmid when he leaves his Rebbe, he should do the same. Rebbe Alexandri said in the name of Rebbe Yehoshua ben Levi that after one prays, he should take three steps backward, and afterward say “Shalom.”

3. The Kohen Gadol’s short tefillah

The Mishnah on Daf 52b stated, ומתפלל תפלה קצרה בבית החיצון – and the Kohen Gadol recited a short tefillah in the outer chamber, but he did not prolong it, so as not to frighten the Jewish people. Rava bar Rav Adda and Ravin bar Rav Adda both said in the name of Rav, that the Kohen Gadol should sayיהי רצון מלפניך ה' אלקינו אם שחונה תהא גשומה – May it be your will, Hashem our G-d, that if this year is destined to be hot, may it be rainy. Rav Acha brei d’Rava concluded the text of the tefillah in the name of Rav Yehudah as follows: לא יעדי עביד שולטן מדבית יהודה – May one who exercises rulership not pass from the House of Yehudah, ולא יהיו עמך ישראל צריכין לפרנס זה מזה – and may Your people Yisroel not be required to receive sustenance from one another, ולא תכנס לפניך תפלת עוברי דרכים – and may the prayers of travelers (to withhold the rain) not (be permitted to) enter before You.

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