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On Daf 19b the Gemara teaches that the Kohen Gadol was kept up all night, and a Baraisa was brought, that in the provinces they used to remain awake the night of Yom Kippur זכר למקדש – as a commemoration of the practice followed in the Beis Hamikdash, אלא שהיו חוטאין – However, in a certain place they would sin during the night. Rashi explains that instead of learning they spent time in the company of women which lead to sin.
On this Daf, Abaye, and some say Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak, said that the Baraisa is referring to Nehardea, for Eliyahu said to Rav Salla the Chosid, “You always say, ‘Why has the Moshiach not come?’ And on the holiest of days, a number of virgins were bedded in Nehardea!” Rav Yehudah asked Eliyahu what Hakodesh Boruch Hu says about this, and Eliyahu replied, “He says, לפתח חטאת רובץ” – Sin crouches at the door. Rashi explains that the Yetzer Hora causes man to sin. Rav Yehudah then asked what the Satan says, and Eliyahu replied, “The Satan, on Yom Kippur, has no permission to prosecute.” Rami bar Chama said that this is derived from the fact that the Gematria of השטן is 364. On 364 days of the year, the Satan has permission to prosecute but on Yom Kippur, which is the 365th day, he has no permission.
The next Mishnah states, ולא היתה קריאת הגבר מגעת עד היתה עזרה מלאה מישראל – And on the chagim, even before the call of the gever arrived, the azarah was filled with Jews. Rashi explains that the people arrived early with their korbanos, to bring them as soon as the tamid had been offered. There is a machlokes Amoraim regarding the meaning of krias hagever. Rav said, קרא גברא – it means the call of the person. Rashi explains that there was an officer in the Beis Hamikdash whose duty was to announce to the Kohanim and Leviim that the time for the avodah has begun. Rebbe Shilah said,קרא תרנגלא – It means the call of a rooster.
The Gemara brings an incident when Rav visited the place of Rebbe Shila and offered to announce Rebbe Shilah’s discourse to the public when there was no else. When Rav translated krias hagever as the call of the man, Rebbe Shila attempted to correct him. When Rav responded that that is the way he translated the words in front of Rebbe Chiya, Rebbe Shilah realized Rav’s greatness and asked him to sit down. Rav refused, either because once one begins a task he should complete it, or because מעלין בקודש ואין מורידין. Rashi explains it would be a disgrace to the discourse if he stepped down midway and a lesser person took over the job.
It was taught in a Baraisa, שלש קולות הולכין מסוף העולם עד סופו – Three sounds travel from one end of the world to the other end. They are the sound of the ball of the sun, the sound of Roman crowds, and the sound of the neshama when it leaves the body. Some say the sound of birth as well, and some say the sound of the רידייא, which was the sound of the malach in charge of rain. The Rabbanon beseeched Hashem for mercy concerning the sound of the soul when it leaves the body, ובטלוה – and they eliminated it.
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