Taanis Daf 11 תענית דַף 11

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1. בזמן שישראל שרויין בצער

It was taught in a Baraisa: שבזמן שישראל שרויין בצער ופירש אחד מהן – When klal Yisroel is going through suffering and one separates himself from the community, באין שני מלאכי השרת שמלוין לו אדם – Two malachei hashareis that escort a person come  ומניחין לו ידיהן על ראשו ואומרים – and place their hands on his head and say, פלוני זה שפירש מן הצבור – this Ploni that separated himself from the tzibbur, אל יראה בנחמת צבור – should not see the consolation of the tzibbur when they are saved from the affliction. It was taught in a different Baraisa: אלא יצער אדם עם הצבור – Rather a person should feel the pain together with the tzibur, for we find with Moshe Rabbeinu that he suffered together with the tzibur, as it is written with the war with Amalek, "וידי משה כבדים ויקחו אבן וישימו תחתיו וישב עליה" – And Moshe’s hands were heavy, and they took a stone and placed it under him and he sat upon it. The Baraisa asks: Did Moshe not have a mattress or a cushion to sit on? Rather, Moshe said: הואיל וישראל שרויין בצער אף אני אהיה עמהם בצער – Since bnei Yisroel are amid suffering, I shall also be with them in suffering.

2. צידוק הדין at the time one departs from the world

The Gemara discusses what happens to a person at the time that he departs from this world. The Chochomim said: בשעת פטירתו של אדם לבית עולמו – At the time when a person departs this world to go to his eternal home, כל מעשיו נפטרין לפניו ואומרים לו – all his deeds depart before him and say כך וכך עשית במקום פלוני ביום פלוני – Did you do this in such-and-such place on such-and-such day? And he will respond הן – yes. And they tell him חתום – sign! And he signs. As it is written in the passuk, "ביד כל אדם יחתם" – He has it signed by every man’s hand. Not only that but שמצדיק עליו את הדין – the person endorses the judgment he will receive and says to them: יפה דנתוני – You have judged me appropriately, to fulfill what is written in the passuk, "למען תצדק בדבריך" – In order that You, (referring to Hashem), will be correct in Your words.

3. אם מתענין לשעות

The Mishnah stated regarding the first three fasts: אוכלין ושותין משחשיכה – They may eat and drink after nightfall of the fast. Rebbe Zeira said in the name of Rav Huna: יחיד שקיבל עליו If one continued his fast from the day into the next night, he does not daven the tefillah of Aneinu. Rav Yosef sought the rationale for Rav Huna’s ruling. Does Rav Huna hold אין מתענין לשעות – We do not fast for hours, and since continuing his fast into the night, which is perceived as a new fast, is not legally binding, he does not daven Aneinu? Or perhaps he does hold that we fast for hours, and it is binding, except a partial fast is not as chashuv as a regular fast? Abaye said to Rav Yosef that Rav Huna does hold that we do fast for hours, and it does require Aneinu. In this case, since the person did not accept upon himself to fast the day before, it is not chashuv enough to require including Aneinu in the tefillos.

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