Taanis Daf 10 תענית דַף 10

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1. Unique qualities of Eretz Yisroel

The Gemara brings a number of statements about the unique status of Eretz Yisroel. It was taught in a Baraisa: ארץ ישראל נבראת תחילה וכל העולם כולו נברא לבסוף – Eretz Yisroel was created first and the rest of the world was created afterward, as the passuk states: "עד לא עשה ארץ וחוצות" – Until He made the land and the outlying areas. We see from here that Hashem first made a single land before other lands were created, and we know that a reference to “the Land” is referring to Eretz Yisroel. ארץ ישראל משקה אותה הקדוש ברוך הוא בעצמו וכל העולם על ידי שליח – HaKadosh Boruch Hu waters Eretz Yisroel Himself, whereas the rest of the world is watered through a shaliach. ארץ ישראל שותה מי גשמים וכל העולם כולו מתמצית – Eretz Yisroel drinks rain water, which is full of berachah, and the rest of the world drinks from the leftover water in the clouds. Rashi says that he heard that the rain falls first in Eretz Yisroel.

2. אל יאמר אדם תלמיד אני

The second Mishnah on the Daf states: הגיע י''ז במרחשון ולא ירדו גשמים התחילו היחידים מתענין ג' תעניות – If the seventeenth of Marcheshvan comes and rain has not fallen, prominent individuals begin to fast three fasts. It was taught in a Baraisa: אל יאמר אדם תלמיד אני איני ראוי להיות יחיד – A person should not say that he is only a talmid and that he is not fit to be considered a prominent individual to be grouped with those that fast for rain before the community begins their set of fasts. אלא כל תלמידי חכמים יחידים – rather all talmidim of the Chochomim are considered יחידים and are chayav to fast. Who is considered a yachid and who is a talmid? יחיד כל שראוי למנותו פרנס על הצבור – A yachid is anyone who is fit to be appointed a leader of the community and can answer a broad range of shailos. תלמיד כל ששאולין אותו דבר הלכה בלמודו ואומר ואפילו במסכת כלה – A talmid is anyone who can answer a shaila in what he is currently learning, even if it is only in Maseches Kallah, which is an easier masechta.

3. אל תרגזו בדרך

The Gemara discusses what Yosef was telling his brothers before they returned to Yaakov. The passuk states: "אל תרגזו בדרך" – Do not become disturbed on the way. Rebbe Elazar said that Yosef was telling his brothers: אל תתעסקו בדבר הלכה שמא תרגזו עליכם הדרך – Do not get involved in a dvar halachah during the trip lest you fall out on the way. Rashi explains that they might get distracted and get lost. The Gemara asks if this is so, for Rebbe Ilai bar Berechya said: שני תלמידי חכמים שמהלכים בדרך ואין ביניהן דברי תורה ראויין לישרף – Two talmidei Chochomim who are travelling on the way and words of Torah are not spoken between them, are fitting to be burned. For the passuk teaches regarding Eliyahu and Elisha that they were not burned by a fiery chariot because they were discussing Torah. If they had not been involved a Torah discussion, they would have been burned. So how could Yosef tell his brothers not to get involved in discussing Torah? The Gemara answers: הא למיגרס הא לעיוני – Rebbe Ilai was referring to reviewing one’s learning by rote. One can do that while travelling since it does not demand a lot of focus. Rebbe Elazar was referring to analyzing Torah. Since people become absorbed in the discussion, it is easier for them to get preoccupied and become lost.

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