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The Gemara brings a Mishnah in Eduyos that taught: כל החוצלות מטמאין טמא מת דברי רבי דוסא – Rebbe Dosa says that all chotzalos are mekabel tumas meis, and the Chochomim say, they are mekabel tumas midras. Rashi explains that the Chochomim hold that chotzalos are used for reclining and are therefore mekabel tumas midras, whereas Rebbe Dosa holds that they are not made for reclining and therefore are not mekabel tumas midras. When The Gemara questions this since it implies that the Chochomim hold that they are not mekabel tumas meis, and it was learned in a Mishnah, כל המטמא מדרס מטמא טמא מת – Anything that is subject to tumas midras is necessarily subject to tumas meis as well the Gemara says the Chochomim are actually saying that chotzalos are also subject to tumas midras.
Rav Avdimi bar Hamduri said that chotzalos are marzovlei, which Rebbe Abba defines as מזבלי – leather bags. Rashi explains that shepherds use them for pillows when they lay down to rest. Rebbe Dosa holds that since this are not their primary use, and shepherds are not encouraged to lie down on the job, they are not mekabel tumas midras. Reish Lakish says they are מחצלות ממש – real mats.
The Gemara notes that Reish Lakish’s interpretation of chotzalos as real mats is consistent with his reasoning somewhere else, for he said: הריני כפרת רבי חייא ובניו – May I be an atonement for Rebbe Chiya and his sons. Rashi explains that Reish Lakish was saying that any affliction he suffers should be a kaparah for Rebbe Chiya and his sons, as this was a proper method of honoring one’s recently departed father or rebbe. Reish Lakish continues, for initially when Torah was forgotten from Yisroel, עלה עזרא מבבל ויסדה – Ezra came up from Bavel and reestablished it. When it was forgotten again, referring to Bayis Sheini during the leadership of the Ben Beseira family, Hillel HaBavli ascended to Eretz Yisroel and reestablished it. When it was forgotten again, Rebbe Chiya and his sons ascended and reestablished it. The Ritva explains that even though Torah was not forgotten then, which was during the days of Rebbe Yehudah Hanasi, we learn that even one who assures the survival of even one halachah is regarded as having established the entire Torah. And Rebbe Chiya and his sons said that Rebbe Dosa and the Chochomim are arguing over mats that most people do not designate for sitting on. Rebbe Dosa holds that they are not mekabel tumah midras and the Chochomim hold that since some people occasionally sit on them, they are mekabel tumas midras.
The opening Mishnah of the second perek states: הישן תחת המטה בסוכה לא יצא ידי חובתו – One who sleeps under the bed in a succah, has not fulfilled his chiyuv to dwell in a succah. Rashi explains that the bed serves as an independent ohel and is a barrier between him and the succah, and the ikar dwelling in the succah is eating, drinking, and sleeping there. Rebbe Yehudah said: It was our practice that we would sleep under the bed in the succah in the presence of the zekeinim and they did not say a word in protest. The Gemara will explain that according to Rebbe Yehuda, the bed is considered an אהל עראי – a temporary dwelling, ולא אתי אהל עראי ומבטל אהל קבע – a temporary shelter does not supersede the permanent shelter of the succah.
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