Shabbos Daf 56 שבת דַף 56

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1. Dovid never sinned

Rebbe Shmuel bar Nachmani said in the name of Rebbe Yonasan: כל האומר דוד חטא אינו אלא טועה – Whoever says Dovid sinned is simply mistaken. This is in regards to the killing of Uriah Hachitti and the taking of his wife Bas Sheva.


The Gemara explains that Uriah was considered a mored b’malchus (rebel against the monarchy), when Dovid HaMelech summoned him from the war and told him to return to his wife. 

Rashi explains it was not proper in Uriah’s response to Dovid to refer to Yoav as his master before referring to the king as his master.

Tosefos says that Uriah rebelled when he refused to listen to the king and go home to his wife.

2. Dovid and Mephiboshes

There is a machlokes between Rav and Shmuel whether Dovid Hamelech accepted loshon hora about Mephiboshes, Shaul Hamelech’s grandson. Tziva, Mephiboshes’ servant, told Dovid Hamelech that Mephiboshes expressed hope that he would be coronated once the people saw the conflict happening between Dovid and his sons.


Rav Yehudah said in the name of Rav that Dovid accepted loshon hora, and if he would not have accepted it, his malchus would not have been divided, bnei Yisroel would not have worshipped idols and we would not have been exiled from the land.


Shmuel says that Dovid did not accept loshon hara against Mephiboshes. Rather he discerned in Mephiboshes’ subsequent behavior something that had confirmed that what Tziva said was true.

3. Shlomo never sinned

Rebbe Shmuel bar Nachmani said in the name of Rebbe Yonasan: כל האומר שלמה חטא אינו אלא טועה – Whoever says that Shlomo sinned is simply mistaken. This is regarding committing the sin of avodah zara (idolatry) on the altars that his wives had built .


The Gemara asks if Shlomo did not sin, why does the passuk state, ויעש שלמה הרע בעיני ה' – And Shlomo did evil in the eyes of Hashem. The Gemara answers that Shlomo did not build the altars, but because he should have protested against his wives, who worshiped idols, and he did not protest, the passuk regards him as if he himself had sinned by building altars for avodah zara.

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