Shabbos Daf 24 שבת דַף 24

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1. Al Hanissim in bentching

The question was asked whether one is required to mention the miracle of Chanukah in birkas hamazon. Do we say that since Chanuka is only a derabbonim one is not obligated to mention it, or perhaps because of the importance of פרסומי ניסא (publicizing the miracle) one must mention it?


- Rava said in the name of Rav Sechorah who said in the name of Rav that one is not obligated to mention it, but if he wishes to then he should mention it in the section of הודאה that begins with נודה לך.

2. Yaaleh VeYavo on days when mussaf is brought

R’ Oshaya taught in a Baraisa that on days when there is an obligation to bring a korban mussaf, such as in rosh chodesh and chol hamoed, in the evening, morning and afternoon one davens the shemonah esrei and recites Yaaleh VeYavo in the beracho of Avodah (רצה). One also recites Yaaleh VeYavo in birkas hamazon on these days.

3. אין שורפין קדשים ביום טוב

The Gemara explains that one may not burn tamei terumah oil (שמן שריפה) on Yom Tov because one may not burn disqualified sacred offerings on Yom Tov (אין שורפין קדשים ביום טוב).


Chizkiyah, and so too one of the sages from Chizkiyah’s academy taught, that the source for this law is from the passuk regarding the korban Pesach, לא תותירו ממנו עד בקר  - You shall not leave any of it until the morning, והנותר ממנו עד בקר באש תשרפו – And that which is left of it until morning you shall burn in fire. The reason that “until morning” was mentioned a second time was to teach that the time to burn the korban Pesach is the second morning, which is the first day of chol hamoed, and to prohibit the burning of kodshim  on the first morning, meaning on Yom Tov.

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