Shabbos Daf 125 שבת דַף 125

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1. Tallis remnants are muktzeh

Rebbe Zeira said in the name of Rav that, שירי פרוזמיות אסור לטלטלן בשבת - Remnants of a tallis may not be moved on Shabbos. Abaye said that Rebbe Zeira was referring to patches that are less than three fingerbreadths by three fingerbreadths. Since they are not suitable for use by either poor people or wealthy people, they are muktzeh.

2. Using window shutters

The next Mishnah brings a machlokes Tannaim regarding window shutters .

•Rebbe Eliezer says that a window shutter that is attached to a building by a rope that is so short that the shutter is suspended in the air, may be used on Shabbos to shutter the window. If the shutter is not suspended in the air, it may not be used to shutter the window, because it will look as if one is building an addition to the house.
•The Chochomim permit the use of a window shutter even if it is not tied at all to the building.

Rabbah bar bar Chanah said in the name of Rebbe Yochanan, that both Rebbe Eliezer and the Chochomim hold that one may not make an אהל עראי, a temporary structure on Shabbos or Yom tov. They disagree only regarding whether one is permitted to make a temporary addition to an existing structure. Rebbe Eliezer says one cannot, and the Chochomim permit it.

3. Tilting a barrel to remove a stone

The Gemara brings a Mishnah from Daf 142b that states that one may tilt a barrel that has a stone on top so that the stone will fall off.

•Rabbah said in the name of Rebbe Ami who said in the name of Rebbe Yochanan, that this is only in a case where the person was a שוכח -  that he forgot the stone on top of the barrel. If he was a מניח - he placed it there intentionally, the barrel would become a בסיס לדבר האסור and it would be prohibited to tilt the barrel.  The Gemara explains that this opinion holds בעינן מעשה - that a significant action is required to turn the stone into a kli. Just placing the stone on the cask is not sufficient.
•Rav Yosef said in name of Rebbe Assi who said in the name of Rebbe Yochanan, that in a case of a מניח - where he placed it there intentionally, the stone would be classified as a cover for the barrel and may be lifted outright. The Gemara explains that this opinion holds, לא בעינן מעשה - no significant act of preparation is required, and merely placing the stone on the kli is sufficient to give it the status of a cover.

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