Shabbos Daf 124 שבת דַף 124

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1. Moving a כלי שמלאכתו להיתר

The next Mishnah states regarding a כלי שמלאכתו להיתר, כל הכלים ניטלין לצורך ושלא לצורך, - all keilim may be moved, whether they are needed or not. Rebbe Nechemyah says, אין ניטלין אלא לצורך – They may not be moved unless they are needed. There is a machlokes how to understand the Mishnah:

•According to Rabbah, the word לצורך in the Mishnah means  לצורך גופו, and the words שלא לצורך mean  לצורך מקומו. Rebbe Nechemyah disagrees with the Tanna Kamma, and says that a  כלי   שמלאכתו להיתר can only be moved לצורך, meaning לצורך גופו.
•Rava holds that the word לצורך means לצורך גופו and לצורך מקומו, and the words שלא לצורך mean מחמה לצל, in order to provide protection. Rebbe Nechemyah disagrees with the Tanna Kamma, and says that a כלי שמלאכתו להיתר can be moved לצורך גופו and לצורך מקומו, but not מחמה לצל.

  2. When one can move broken keilim

The next Mishnah introduces a machlokes regarding broken keilim:

•The Tanna Kamma says that all keilim that may be moved on Shabbos, may be moved if they broke, as well. The Mishnah qualifies this: ובלבד שיהו עושין מעין מלאכה – provided they can be used to perform some sort of task.
•Rebbe Yehudah agrees that these broken pieces may be moved, however ובלבד שיהו עושין מעין מלאכתן provided that they can perform a semblance of their former task, such as a broken piece of a mixing bowl, which can still be used as a bowl to pour porridge into.


There is a machlokes Amoraim whether the keilim mentioned in the Mishnah, broke on Shabbos or on erev Shabbos.

3. Where one can move broken keilim

Everyone agrees that a broken piece of earthenware, may be moved. There is a machlokes Amoraim, however, about in which areas this applies:

•Rav Nachman said in the name of Shmuel that it may be moved in a courtyard but not in a karmelis. Rashi explains that a courtyard often has vessels that are fit to be covered by a shard of earthenware, and therefore it is not muktzeh.
•Rav Nachman himself says that an earthenware shard can be moved in a karmelis, as well. Rashi explains that people often sit down in a karmelis since it is not so busy, and they can use it to cover their spittle.
•Rava holds that the shard can even be moved in a reshus harabim. Rashi explains that since it has a use in the courtyard, it does not lose its classification as a kli when in reshus harabim.

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