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The next Mishnah, discussing סקילה in the cases of משכב זכר and relations with an animal, asks: אם אדם חטא בהמה מה חטאה – If the person sinned with the animal, how did the animal sin? Why is the animal also stoned? אלא לפי שבאה לאדם תקלה על ידה – But since a person came to stumbling through it, לפיכך אמר הכתוב תסקל – therefore, the Torah said it should be stoned. Another explanation is given: שלא תהא בהמה עוברת בשוק – so that the animal should not walk in the street, ויאמרו זו היא שנסקל פלוני על ידה – and [people] will say, “This is [the animal] because of which Ploni was stoned.” These two reasons, "תקלה" – stumbling and "קלון" – disgrace, will be discussed further on the next Daf.
A Baraisa says that the אזהרה – warning in the Torah for משכב זכר is "ואת זכר לא תשכב משכבי אשה תועבה היא" – you shall not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; it is an abomination. This is the אזהרה for a שוכב (the one committing the act of relations). Rebbe Yishmael provides the אזהרה for a נשכב (the one submitting to the act): "לא יהיה קדש מבני ישראל" – there shall not be a promiscuous man among the sons of Yisroel. Another passuk describes "קדש" with the term "תועבה", and "תועבה" is used in reference to both participants in משכב זכר. Rebbe Akiva says "לא תִשְׁכַּב" can be read "לא תִשָּׁכֵב" – you shall not be lain with. A Baraisa says the אזהרה for relations with an animal is "ובכל בהמה לא תתן שכבתך לטמאה בה" – do not lie with any animal to be contaminated with it, which is an אזהרה for a שוכב. Rebbe Yishmael says "לא יהיה קדש" is the אזהרה for a נשכב of משכב בהמה as well, but Rebbe Akiva says "לא תתן שְׁכָבְתְּךָ" can be read: "לא תתן שְׁכִיבָתְךָ" – you shall not allow your lying with. Abaye says below that Rebbe Yishmael also holds the אזהרה for a נשכב of משכב בהמה is included in the passuk of שוכב. The Gemara calculates the number of korbanos obligated through combinations of these various acts, according to each Tanna’s sources for אזהרות.
A Baraisa states: זכור לא עשו בו קטן כגדול – regarding a male with whom one had relations, [the Torah] did not make a very young male like an older male. Although one who has relations with a male minor is liable (despite the קטן not being culpable), there is a minimum age required to constitute משכב זכר. Rav says he must be at least nine years old, because he holds כל דאיתיה בשוכב איתיה בנשכב – whoever is capable of being a שוכב (committing the act) is capable of being a נשכב (submitting to the act); since the relations of a male under the age of nine are not legally relations, this age would not constitute משכב זכר when he is a נשכב either. Shmuel says one is even liable for משכב זכר with a male who is three years old. He derives the minimum age from the phrase "משכבי אשה" – as one lies with a woman, and a female is capable of halachically significant relations at age three.
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