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The Mishnah on the bottom of 97b stated, המפריש נקבה לפסחו או זכר בן שתי שנים – If someone designates a female animal for his pesach, or a male in its second year, ירעה עד שיסתאב וימכר – it is left to graze until it develops a blemish, is then sold, ויביא בדמיו שלמים – and he brings from its money, shelamim. Neither of these are fit for a pesach, as the Torah specifies, זכר בן שנה – a yearling male.
Rav Huna brei d’Rav Yehoshua said, שמע מינה תלת – Infer from this ruling three principles. 1. בעלי חיים נדחין – We can infer that living things can become permanently rejected from the mizbeyach. Even though a pesach that is left over after the chag is brought as a shelamim, since it became disqualified, it retains its status as disqualified even after the reason for the disqualification disappears. 2. דחוי מעיקרא הוי דחוי – Even if an animal is disqualified from the very first moment of its consecration, such as female or overaged animals, it can never again be fit for a sacrifice. 3. יש דחוי בדמים – Permanent rejection is possible with something that has only monetary sanctity. Since these animals were unfit, they only have קדושת דמים, and yet are rejected forever.
The next Mishnah states, נתערב בבכורות – If a pesach became intermingled with bechor offerings, Rebbe Shimon says, אם חבורות כהנים יאכלו – If the group registered on the pesach is composed of only Kohanim, they may eat the offerings that night. Rashi explains that since the avodah for the pesach and the bechor are the same, the person doing the avodah simply declares he is offering the pesach for the sake of the pesach, wherever it is, and the same for the bechor, and then the meat is eaten that night. The Gemara clarifies that Rebbe Shimon holds מביאין קדשים לבית הפסול – that one may expose korbanos to a situation of becoming passul. Therefore, it is not a problem that the bechor, which is typically eaten for two days and one night, will have its time to be eaten reduced and needlessly become nossar after midnight.
The last Mishnah opens, חבורה שאבד פסחה – A chaburah that lost its pesach, and they said to one of their members to go out, find it and shecht it for us, and he went, found, and shechted it, and meanwhile they, fearing the animal would not be found in time, bought and slaughtered another animal. If his animal, meaning the original pesach, was shechted first, he and they eat of his. Rashi explains that since they appointed him as their agent, they remain registered on it, and once it is shechted, they can no longer withdraw from it. Their offering is considered a pesach without an owner and is burned. If theirs was shechted first, they eat of theirs and he eats of his. If it is not known which one was shechted first, or if both were shechted at the same time, he eats of his, because, as Rashi explains, he was never registered on theirs. They do not eat of his because of the possibility that theirs was shechted first; in which case they would have withdrawn from his.ושלהן יצא לבית השריפה – And theirs is taken out to be burned, because of the possibility that his was offered first, ופטורין מלעשות פסח שני – And they are exempt from observing pesach sheini. Rashi explains that since one of them was brought for them, the safek only restricts their eating from one of them. but does not nullify their fulfillment of bringing the pesach, since eating is not me’akev for the mitzvah.
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