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Rav Yehuda says in the name of Rav המוצא חמץ בביתו ביום טוב כופה עליו את הכלי - If one finds chametz in his house on Yom Tov, he should cover it with a kli. Rashi points out that the chametz can not simply be removed, as it is muktzeh. He explains that the reason for covering the chametz is so that it will not accidently be eaten. Rava qualifies Rav Yehuda’s statement that אם של הקדש הוא אינו צריך - In a case where the chametz which was discovered belongs to hekdesh, one does not need to cover it. The reason is that מיבדל בדילי מיניה - people are accustomed to keep away from hekdesh throughout the year, so we are not concerned that now one might accidentally eat it.
Rav Yehuda says in the name of Rav המפרש והיוצא בשיירא קודם שלשים יום אין זקוק לבער – If one travels away from his home, through the sea or the desert, if he leaves his house more than 30 days before Pesach, he does not have to destroy his chametz, however, תוך שלשים יום זקוק לבער – if he leaves within 30 days, he must first destroy his chametz. The Gemara asks what the purpose of these thirty days is, which the Ran understands to mean why did the Rabbanon fix a period of thirty days? The Gemara brings a Baraisa that statesשואלין ודורשין בהלכות הפסח קודם הפסח שלשים יום – We ask and give public discourses on the halachos of Pesach, from 30 days before Pesach. Rashi explains that since one starts learning the halachos one must be careful with Pesach obligations. Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel disagrees and says that we begin learning the halachos two weeks before Pesach.
Rav Yehuda says in the name of Rav הבודק צריך שיבטל – After one does bedikas chametz, he must be mevatel the chametz. Rashi explains that one must be mevatel the chametz in his heart, and also say the wordsכל חמירא דאיכא בביתא הדין ליבטיל – Any leaven that exists in this house should be batel. The Gemara asks what the point is of this since he already searched for and destroyed all of the chametz? Rava answers גזירה שמא ימצא גלוסקא יפה ודעתיה עילויה – It was instituted to do this, because maybe he will find a nice roll on Pesach and his mind will be on it. Rashi explains this to mean that if he finds a nice piece of bread, he may hesitate for a moment, not wanting to burn it, and that second, he will be transgressing בל יראה ובל ימצא.
The Gemara asks וכי משכחת ליה לבטליה – When one finds the chametz, let him be mevatel it then, why does it need to be done before Pesach? The Gemara answers דילמא משכחת ליה לבתר איסורא - that he might only find the chametz after the time when it is forbidden to get benefit from it, meaning after chatzos of the fourteenth, and once it is forbidden to get benefit from the chametz ולאו ברשותיה קיימא ולא מצי מבטיל – the chametz is no longer his, and therefore he does not have the capability to be mevatel it.
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