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The Gemara brings a number of lists of types of people who share something in common. Among these is the following quote from Rebbe Yochanan: שלשה מכריז עליהן הקב''ה בכל יום – There are three [people] about whom Hakadosh Baruch Hu announces (meaning, He proclaims their virtue) every day:
The Gemara brings a list of three people who Hakadosh Baruch Hu hates, המדבר אחד בפה ואחד בלב – one who says one thing with his mouth while meaning another in his heart, והיודע עדות בחבירו ואינו מעיד עליו – one who knows testimony affecting his friend but does not testify on his behalf, והרואה דבר ערוה בחבירו ומעיד בו יחידי – One who sees that his friend committed an aveirah involving arayus and testifies about him alone, without a second witness.
The Gemara illustrates the last case with the story of Zigud, who testified alone about Tuviah before Rav Pappa. When Rav Pappa had Zigud lashed, Zigud asked: טוביה חטא וזיגוד מינגד – Tuviah sinned and Zigud is lashed?! Rav Pappa told him that two witnesses are required for beis din to act and he testified alone, so, שם רע בעלמא קא מפקת ביה – you are merely defaming him (that is, being מוציא שם רע about him).
Rebbe Shmuel bar Rav Yitzchak says in the name of Rav: מותר לשנאתו – [The lone witness] is allowed to hate [the person who did the aveirah]. He proves this from the passuk that says, כי תראה חמור שנאך רובץ תחת משאו – If you see you the donkey of someone you hate crouching under its burden. As it is generally assur to hate another Jew, the passuk, which implies that you hate him but other people don’t, must refer to a case such as this. Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak says: מצוה לשנאתו – It is a mitzvah to hate him in such a case, שנאמר יראת ה' שנאת רע – for it is stated, “Fear of Hashem is hatred of evil.”
Another list the Gemara brings: ארבעה אין הדעת סובלתן – There are four [people who behave in a way] the mind cannot tolerate. Rashbam explains that people cannot understand their behavior. Rashi explains that even the perpetrators regret their own actions eventually and are ashamed of themselves.
ופרנס מתגאה על הציבור בחנם – and a communal leader who imposes himself upon the community for no reason. Rashbam explains that he enjoys the honor his position brings him, but he does not help the community in their hour of need.
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