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Rav Chananya bar Sh’lamya and the talmidim of Rav were eating a meal on erev Shabbos and Rav Hamnuna was serving them. They asked him to check if Shabbos had begun because, if it had, they would remove the table and return it specifically for Shabbos (to distinguish the Shabbos meal from the weekday one). He told them, based on a statement of Rav, that there was no need to do that because שבתא קבעה נפשה – Shabbos establishes itself. Rashbam explains that the remainder of the meal would be distinct from its beginning even if the table was left in place because one interrupts his meal to say Kiddush as soon as Shabbos begins, due to the prohibition against eating before Kiddush.
Rav Amram adds in the name of Rav: לקידוש קובעת ולא להבדלה קובעת – [Shabbos] establishes for Kiddush but for Havdalah it does not establish, meaning, one must interrupt a meal to say Kiddush at the beginning of Shabbos, as above, but one need not interrupt a meal to say Havdalah at the end of Shabbos, even though he may not begin eating before Havdalah. One who was not eating a meal but was rather drinking wine or beer must interrupt for Havdalah.
Rav Huna forbid drinking water before Havdalah but the rabbis of Rav Ashi’s yeshivah permitted it.
Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak told Ravina that the sons of Rebbe Chiya said: מי שלא הבדיל במוצאי שבת מבדיל והולך כל השבת כולו – One who did not say Havdalah on Motza’ei Shabbos may say Havdalah throughout the [following] week (this is discussed on Daf 106a), and we may infer from this that, similarly, מי שלא קידש בערב שבת מקדש והולך כל היום כולו – someone who did not say Kiddush on Friday night may say Kiddush throughout the [following] day.
Ravina challenged this based on a Baraisa that says: שבת ויום טוב אין בהם קדושה על הכוס ויש בהן הזכרה בברכת המזון – Shabbos and Yov Tov [days, in contrast to Shabbos and Yov Tov nights,] do not feature Kiddush on a cup but do feature mention [of the specialness of the day] in Bircas Hamazon. The Rashbam explains that the Kiddush mentioned here refers to the berachah that proclaims the sanctity of the day. Rav Nachman Bar Yitzchak answered [as explained by Rashbam] that the Baraisa is not discussing someone who failed to say Kiddush at night as the Chachamim required.
Ravina then challenged Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak based on another Baraisa, which says: כבוד יום וכבוד לילה כבוד יום קודם – [If one has limited food with which to honor Shabbos and he must choose between] the honor of [Shabbos] day and the honor of [Shabbos] night, the honor of the day comes first, ואם אין לו אלא כוס אחד אומר עליו קידוש היום – but if he only has one cup [of wine], he should say Kiddush [on Friday night, which proclaims the sanctity] of the day. If Kiddush may be said during the day, why should he not leave the cup until the next day and use it then for Kiddush and to honor the day?!
Rav Nachman Bar Yitzchak answered that Kiddush is said at night and not delayed because חביבה מצוה בשעתה – A mitzvah is precious in its time. He went on to explain that, unlike Kiddush, Havdalah is delayed if there is some benefit to doing so because: עיולי יומא כל כמה דמקדמינן ליה עדיף ומחבבינן ליה –With respect to bringing in the day [of Shabbos], the earlier we do it the better, and we thus demonstrate our affection for it, אפוקי יומא מאחרינן ליה כי היכי דלא ליהוי עלן כטונא – but with respect to escorting the day out, we delay it so that it will not [appear to] be a burden for us.
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