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Continuing the discussion of eating on erev Shabbos, the Gemara quotes a Baraisa in which Rebbe Yehudah and Rebbe Yose debate if someone who began a meal before minchah on erev Shabbos is allowed to continue eating after Shabbos begins: Rebbe Yehudah maintains: מפסיקים לשבתות – We interrupt for Shabbosos, and Rebbe Yose argues: אין מפסיקין – We do not interrupt. According to Rebbe Yehudah, the person must stop the meal, remove the table and recite birkas hamazon. The reason is that a meal must be brought to the table for the honor of Shabbos, or because the eating after nightfall would be viewed as an extension of the weekday meal. Tosafos explain that according to Rebbe Yose, he need not interrupt the meal for the eating after nightfall is considered one of the Shabbos meals. The Kiddush that would be recited immediately afterward is viewed as having been recited upon that meal.
The Gemara relates that Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel, Rebbe Yehudah, and Rebbe Yose were once eating a meal together when Shabbos began. A discussion ensued about whether they should interrupt the meal or not and, eventually, לא זזו משם עד שקבעו הלכה כר' יוסי – They did not move from there until they established the halachah according to Rebbe Yose.
A Baraisa teaches: אין מביאין את השלחן אלא אם כן קידש – We do not bring out the table [on which the Friday night meal will be eaten] unless one already made kiddush. ואם הביא פורס מפה ומקדש – And if it was brought [out early,] he should spread a cloth over it and make kiddush. Rashbam, citing the She’iltos, explains that bringing out the table after Kiddush shows that the meal is served in honor of Shabbos, and covering the table is like removing it. Tosafos note that nowadays, where it is customary for everybody to eat together on a large table, it is not practical to bring the table out after kiddush. Therefore, it is our custom to set the table with challos before kiddush, but to cover them until after kiddush. This is in accordance with the Baraisa’s ruling that if the bread-laden table was brought out before kiddush, one must spread a cloth over the bread and recite kiddush.
On Daf 99b, the Gemara brought a machlokes between Rebbe Yehudah and Rebbe Yose regarding beginning a meal during the afternoon on erev Shabbos or erev Yom Tov. Here, the Gemara cites two Baraisos about this machlokes. One of these teaches: שוין שאין מתחילין – They are in agreement that we may not begin. The second states: שוין שמתחילין – They are in agreement that we may begin.
The Gemara explains that Rebbe Yehudah and Rebbe Yose agree that we may not begin a meal on erev Pesach close to Minchah (as the first Mishnah in the perek taught), and they agree that we may begin a meal erev Shabbos and erev Yom Tov before the ninth hour of the day.
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