Nazir Daf 33 נזיר דַף 33

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1. Beis Hillel’s opinion that only “he whose words are not fulfilled” becomes a nazir

Beis Hillel had said in the Mishnah on Daf 32b regarding six people who made conflicting nezirus declarations regarding someone’s identity : אינו נזיר אלא מי שלא נתקיימו דבריו – No one of the six is a nazir except he whose words are not fulfilled. The Gemara asks, why would the one whose words are not fulfilled be a nazir? Rav Yehudah answered: אימא מי שנתקיימו דבריו – Say “one whose words are fulfilled is a nazir,” i.e., emend the Mishnah this way. Abaye answers: כגון דאמר אי נמי לאו פלוני הוא אהוי נזיר – The case is where he said immediately after, “Instead, if it is not Ploni, I will be a nazir, i.e., he retracted his original declaration and reversed his term within תוך כדי דיבור. ומאי לא נתקיימו דבריו – And what is the meaning of “his words are not fulfilled”? לא נתקיימו דבריו הראשונים אלא דבריו אחרונים – It means his first words are not fulfilled, but his later words are.

2. Tosfos on Amud Beis

The entire amud beis is comprised of Tosafos from previous dapim.

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