Moed Katan Daf 14 מועד קטן דַף 14

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1. Why haircutting and laundering are prohibited on Chol HaMoed

The opening Mishnah of the third perek begins on Daf 13b, and states: ואלו מגלחין במועד – And these people may cut their hair on Chol HaMoed, and lists הבא ממדינת הים ומבית השביה והיוצא מבית האסורין – one who has come from overseas, or was freed from captivity, or was let out of prison, among others. It continues with אלו מכבסין במועד – These are the people that may launder their clothing on Chol HaMoed and brings a similar list. The Gemara asks: ושאר כל אדם מאי טעמא אסורין – And all other people, why are they forbidden to do so? The Gemara answers, that it is like a Mishnah in Taanis that states: אנשי משמר ואנשי מעמד אסורין לספר ולכבס ובחמישי מותרין מפני כבוד שבת – Anshei mishmar and anshei maamad are forbidden to cut their hair and launder their clothing, but on Thursday of their watch it is permitted because of kavod Shabbos. Rabbah bar bar Chanah said in the name of Rebbe Elazar that the reason for this is כדי שלא יכנסו למשמרתן כשהן מנוולין – in order that they should not enter the week of their watch when they are unkempt. So too here, haircutting and laundering are forbidden on Chol HaMoed so that people should not enter the regel when they are unkempt.

2. When someone who returns from overseas is forbidden to get a haircut during Chol HaMoed

The Gemara states that the Mishnah is not like Rebbe Yehudah, for it was taught in a Baraisa: Rebbe Yehudah says: הבא ממדינת הים לא יגלח – One who comes from overseas may not cut his hair, מפני שיצא שלא ברשות – because he travelled not with the permission of others , but rather he left voluntarily. Rashi explains that because he left on his own accord, he is not considered an אונס, meaning, as someone who was compelled to not cut his hair. Rava explained that there is no disagreement between the Chochomim of our Mishnah and Rebbe Yehudah, לשוט – if he went out to travel the world for pleasure. They agree that he would not be permitted to cut his hair. And if he went out למזונות – for the purpose of seeking a livelihood, everybody would agree that it is mutar for him to cut his hair when he returns on Chol HaMoed. לא נחלקו אלא להרויחא – They only disagree when he went out to make a profit. Rashi explains that this person was wealthy and went out to earn even more money. Rebbe Yehudah compares him to the case of לשוט – to travel the world, and forbids him to cut his hair, and the Chochomim liken him to למזונות – to one who travels for the purpose of seeking sustenance and therefore permit haircutting.

3. אבל אינו נוהג אבילותו ברגל

The Gemara states regarding aveilus: אבל אינו נוהג אבילותו ברגל – An avel does conduct himself with aveilus during the regel, for the passuk states: "ושמחת בחגך" – And you should rejoice in your festival. אי אבילות דמעיקרא הוא אתי עשה דרבים ודחי עשה דיחיד – If it is a mourning that existed before the regel, the mitzvas aseh of the public, referring to rejoicing on the chag, comes and is docheh the mitzvos aseh of the individual. And if the aveilus began during the chag, לא אתי עשה דיחיד ודחי עשה דרבים – The aseh of the individual, referring to the mourning, does not push off the aseh of the public, referring to the rejoicing on the chag. Rashi explains that rejoicing on the chag is considered an aseh of the rabim because the whole nation celebrates the chag

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