Moed Katan Daf 10 מועד קטן דַף 10

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1. ההדיוט תופר כדרכו

The Mishnah on 8b had stated: ההדיוט תופר כדרכו – A layman may sew in his usual way during Chol HaMoed. The Gemara on our Daf asks who is considered an amateur, and the Yeshiva of Rebbe Yanai answered: כל שאינו יכול להוציא מלא מחט בבת אחת – Whoever is unable to skillfully pull a full needle of stitches through the fabric at the same time. Rashi explains that one is only considered a craftsman if he is able to pass the needle through the garment in and out several times, so that with one pull of the needle he completes many stiches. Rebbe Yose bar Chanina said: כל שאינו יכול לכוין אימרא בחפת חלוקו – Whoever cannot form a straight hem on the bottom of his garment. Rashi explains that he is unable to take the thick material that is sewn at the hem and sew it straight. Instead, he makes one side thick and the other side thin. The Mishnah there continued: והאומן מכליב – And a skilled person is machliv. Rebbe Yochanan said: מפסיע – this is a stitching that is similar to wide steps. Rabbah bar Shmuel said: שיני כלבתא – this is a stitching that goes up and down like the teeth of a dog.

2. How to determine one’s intent when doing melachah on Chol HaMoed

The Gemara brings eight rulings of Rava related to Chol HaMoed. His fourth ruling is: האי מאן דזכי זיכי – A person who clears debris, which Rashis says refers to twigs, from an area of land, if he clears it with the intention to gather wood for fuel, it is permitted. But if he clears it with the intention of improving the land for future growth, it is prohibited. היכי דמי – How is it known what his intention is? If he takes only the large twigs and leaves the small ones, then it appears that his intention is for gathering wood. But if he takes both the large and small ones, then it appears that his intention is to plant the field. His fifth ruling concerns someone who opens a gate for water to run into his land on Chol HaMoed. If his intent is to catch fish to eat, it is permitted. If it is to irrigate his land, it is prohibited. How do we discern his intent? If he opened two gates of water, one at a higher elevation to let the water in and the second at a lower elevation to let the water out, then his intent is to catch fish. But if he only opened the gate at the higher elevation, then his intent is to irrigate the field.

3. Any amount of merchandising on Chol HaMoed is prohibited

Rava said in his eighth ruling: פרקמטיא כל שהוא אסור – Any amount of merchandising on Chol HaMoed is prohibited. Rebbe Yose bar Avin said: ובדבר האבד מותר – but in the case of a loss, it is permitted. Rashi explains that if the person will have a loss if he does not sell it on Chol HaMoed, it is permitted. But where a loss is not prevented by selling it specifically on Chol HaMoed, it is forbidden. The Gemara relates that Ravina had certain merchandise on Chol HaMoed, that was able to sell for six thousand zuz, yet he waited to sell it until after Chol HaMoed, despite the potential for a great loss , which permits the sale.  He ended up selling it after Chol HaMoed for twelve thousand zuz.

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