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Rava expounded on the passuk: "מה יפו פעמיך בנעלים בת נדיב" – How beautiful are your footsteps in sandals, daughter of the noble. כמה נאין רגליהן של ישראל בשעה שעולין לרגל – How pleasant are the footsteps of Yisroel when they go up to Yerushalayim for the regel. "בת נדיב" – בתו של אברהם אבינו שנקרא נדיב –daughter of the noble - the daughter of Avraham Avinu, who is called “the noble,” for it is written: "נדיבי עמים נאספו עם אלקי אברהם" – The nobles of the nations gathered, the nation of the G-d of Avraham. Rashi explains that Avraham is referred to as a נדיב – a noble, על שם שנדבו לבו להכיר בוראו – because his heart gave him to recognize his Creator. The nobles of the nations are the converts among the nations who accept upon themselves the mitzvos. Now is Hashem only the G-d of Avraham and not the G-d of Yitzchak and Yaakov as well? Rather, here Hashem is referred to as the G-d of Avraham שהיה תחילה לגרים – for Avraham was the initiator of all converts.
It was taught in a Baraisa: There was an incident when Rebbe Yochanan ben Berokah and Rebbe Elazar ben Chisma went to Rebbe Yehoshua in Pekiin, and Rebbe Yehoshua asked them what chiddush they heard in the Beis Hamidrash. When they answered that they were his talmidim and had come to learn from him, he responded, אף על פי כן אי אפשר לבית המדרש בלא חידוש – Even so, it is impossible that there was not some chiddush discussed in the Beis Hamidrash. After telling him that it was the Rebbe Elazar ben Azaryah’s week, they gave over his derashah. The passuk states: "הקהל את העם האנשים והנשים והטף" – Gather together the people – the men, the women and the small children. אם אנשים באים ללמוד והנשים באות לשמוע טף למה באין – We can understand that the men come to learn, and the women come to hear, but what do the small children come for? כדי ליתן שכר למביאיהן – It is in order to give s’char to those who bring them. Tosafos explains that this is the basis for bringing small children to shul. Rebbe Yehoshua said to them: מרגלית טובה היתה בידכם ובקשתם לאבדה ממני – You had a beautiful gem in your hand, and you tried to keep it from me? The Gemara explains why they were reluctant to share it.
The Gemara brings another one of Rebbe Elazar ben Azaryah’s derashos that were said on that day. The passuk in Koheles says: "דברי חכמים כדרבנות וכמשמרות נטועים בעלי אספות נתנו מרעה אחד" – The words of the wise are like goads, and like nails well planted of the masters of assemblies, given from one shepherd. "בעלי אסופות" – אלו תלמידי חכמים שיושבין אסופות אסופות ועוסקין בתורה – These are the talmidei Chochomim who sit in groups and are involved in learning Torah. הללו מטמאין והללו מטהרין הללו אוסרין והללו מתירין -These ones are metamei, and these ones are metaher, these ones forbid and these ones permit. הללו פוסלין והללו מכשירין – These ones are posel and these ones are machshir. Perhaps someone will ask how then is he able to understand when there is so much machlokes? The passuk states: "נתנו מרעה אחד" – Given from one shepherd. One G-d gave them, and one leader proclaimed them מפי אדון כל המעשים ברוך הוא – from the mouth of the master of all deeds, blessed is He, as the passuk states: and Hashem spoke all these words. אף אתה עשה אזניך כאפרכסת וקנה לך לב מבין – Therefore, you too make your ear like a funnel and acquire for yourself a discerning heart to listen to all the different opinions.
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