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The Mishnah on Daf 20b stated: הרביעי בקדש פסול – A revii, in the case of kodesh, is passul. It was taught in a Baraisa: Rebbe Yose said: From where is it derived that a revii in the case of kodesh is passul? It is a kal v’chomer: If even a מחוסר כפורים, someone who has toveiled and has waited until nightfall but still requires bringing a korban, is permitted to eat terumah, but is unfit to eat kodesh, then concerning a shelishi, which is unfit in the case of terumah, all the more so it should create a revii in the case of kodesh. We learn that a shelishi is tamei in the case of kodesh from a passuk in the Torah, and that a revii is passul in kodesh from this kal v’chomer.
The Mishnah stated: אם נטמאת אחת מידיו חבירתה טהורה ובקדש מטביל שתיהן – If one of a person’s hands became tamei, the other one is tahor, but with regard to kodesh, he must immerse both of them. Rav Shizvi said: בחיבורין שנו אבל שלא בחיבורין לא – They taught this halachah only when the hands are joined at the time that the second hand touches the kodesh, but where they are not joined, then the first hand does not make the second one tamei. Abaye challenged Rav Shizvi from the following Baraisa that taught: Rebbe says that a dry hand that is tamei makes the other hand tamei, to make the kodesh it touches tamei, but not to make terumah it touches tamei. Rebbe Yose b’Rebbe Yehudah says that it only makes the kodesh passul, but not tamei, which Rashi explains, that it makes the kodesh a revii but cannot impart tumah further. Now if you say that the chumrah applies even when the hands are not joined, then there is a chiddush when Rebbe says that this applies even when the first hand is dry. But if the chumrah is only when they are joined, what is Rebbe adding by saying it applies even when they are dry? If the concern is that the first hand might have touched the kodesh directly, then it is obvious that it could make the kodesh tamei.
The Mishnah stated: האונן ומחוסר כפורים צריכין טבילה לקדש אבל לא לתרומה – An onein, and a mechusar keppurim, (one who has immersed and reached nightfall but has not yet brought his korban), require tevilah for kodesh but not for terumah. The Gemara explains the reason, that כיון דעד האידנא הוו אסירי אצרכינהו רבנן טבילה – since until this time they were forbidden to eat kodesh, the Rabbanon required them to do tevilah before eating kodesh. Meaning, that there is a concern that since they were not permitted to eat kodesh, their attention to becoming tamei might also have been diverted. They are not required to immerse for terumah though, since they are permitted to eat terumah as an onein and mechusar kippurim.
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