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Rebbe Elazar said in the name of Rebbe Oshaya: מניין לעצרת שיש לה תשלומין כל שבעה – From where is it derived that Shavuos has a compensation period for the chagigah and olas re’iyah, for seven days? For it is written in the passuk regarding the mitzvah of appearing before Hashem three times a year, "בחג המצות ובחג השבעות ובחג הסכות". The Torah makes a hekesh comparing Shavuos to Pesach. מה פסח יש לה תשלומין כל שבעה אף חג השבועות יש לה תשלומין כל שבעה – Just as Pesach has tashlumin for all seven days, so too Shavuos has tashlumin for all seven days. When the Gemara suggests that a hekesh should be made between Shavuos to Succos, that just as Succos has tashlumin for eight days so too should Shavuos, it concludes תפשת מרובה לא תפשת תפשת מועט תפסת – If you grab the larger amount, you may not have grabbed it all, but if you grab the smaller amount, you will have successfully grabbed it. The Gemara will make a number of unsuccessful attempts to challenge Rebbe Oshaya.
After concluding that the passuk that mentioned the three regalim for the mitzvah of re’iyah was a source for a hekesh between Pesach and Shavuos, the Gemara asks what halachah is being learned out from the fact that Succos is mentioned in the passuk? It answers מה חג המצות טעון לינה אף חג הסוכות טעון לינה – Just as Chag HaMatzos requires staying overnight in Yerushalayim following the first day of Yom Tov, so too Succos requires staying overnight following the first day of Yom Tov. Rashi clarifies that the passuk is referring to staying over the first night of Chol HaMoed, motzai Yom Tov. When the Gemara asks for the source that one is required to stay overnight on Pesach, it brings the passuk, "ופנית בבקר והלכת לאהלך" – And you may turn back in the morning and return to your tents. Rashi explains that this must be Chol HaMoed, for travelling beyond the techum on Yom Tov is forbidden.
The Gemara brings another source for tashlumin for Shavuos. The academy of Rebbe Eliezer ben Yaakov taught in a Baraisa: The passuk in the parshah discussing Shavuos, states: "וקראתם", "ובקצרכם" – You shall make a holy proclamation…when you reap. איזהו חג שאתה קורא וקוצר בו - Which is the chag that you make a proclamation, and you reap? Say this is the chag of Shavuos. Rashi explains that even though there is proclaiming and reaping of the Omer on Pesach, the passuk here is in the parshah of Shavuos. And when do you proclaim and reap? It cannot be on Yom Tov itself, since reaping on Yom Tov is forbidden. אלא לאו לתשלומין – Rather, is it not for after Yom Tov and referring to tashlumin? Rashi explains that the passuk is referring to the day after Yom Tov as a מקרא קודש for tashlumin of korbanos, even though melachah is permitted. This then is another source for tashlumin for Shavuos. The Gemara will explain why two sources for tashlumin for Shavuos are needed.
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