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It was taught in a Baraisa: השוחט את התרנגולת ומצא בה ביצים גמורות מותרות לאכלן בחלב – If one shechted a chicken and finds “formed” eggs inside it, which Rashi explains on Daf 6b, means that the yolk is completely formed even though the white is not, and the egg is still attached by connective tissue to the hen’s ovary, it is mutar to eat them with milk. Rebbe Yaakov says: אם היו מעורות בגידין אסורות – if the eggs are still attached to the connective tissue, they are prohibited to be eaten with milk. According to Rebbe Yaakov they are classified as flesh. Rav Yosef assumes that Rebbe Yaakov is not the Tanna of a Baraisa that states that if one ate from the neveilah of a kosher bird, if he ate from the שלל של ביצים – the cluster of eggs that are attached by connective tissue to the ovary, he is tahor. Seemingly, according to Rebbe Yaakov, he should be tamei since they are considered flesh. Abaye answered that perhaps Rebbe Yaakov holds that the eggs are considered flesh on the d’Rabbanon level in regard to being forbidden to be eaten with milk, but the Rabbanon did not decree that they are flesh in regard to tumah. And if one were to argue that perhaps the Rabbanon should be gozeir that they are tamei, that would be an increase in tumah, ואפושי טומאה מדרבנן לא מפשינן – and we do not increase Rabbinically ordained tumah, unless there is a compelling reason to do so.
It was taught in a Baraisa: כל שתשמישו ביום נולד ביום זו תרנגולת – Any species that mates by day, its young is born by day. An example of this is a chicken. When the Gemara asks what the nafka minah is to state this, it answers that it is required to teach the ruling of Rav Mari brei d’Rav Kahana, who said that if one checked a hen’s nest erev Yom Tov and did not find an egg in it, and the next day before daybreak, and found an egg in it, the egg may be eaten. It is assumed the egg was laid before Yom Tov. After some analysis, the Gemara clarifies that unfertilized eggs can be laid at night, and asks how Rav Mari can be certain that the egg found before daybreak was not an unfertilized egg that was laid at night? It answers בדאיכא זכר בהדה – that the case was where there was a rooster with a hen, and Ravina said: גמירי כל היכא דאיכא זכר לא ספנא מארעא – The following principle has been passed down to us: Whenever there is a rooster nearby, a hen will not lay unfertilized eggs.
The Gemara discusses the second machlokes in the Mishnah. Beis Shammai say שאור בכזית וחמץ בככותבת – The lo sa’aseh of possessing leaven applies to a quantity that is at least a kezayis, while the lo sa’aseh of possessing chametz applies to a quantity that is at least the volume of a date. The Gemara asks how Beis Shammai can disagree with Rebbe Zeira’s teaching who said that the passuk opens with mentioning of שאור and ends with mentioning of chametz in order to teach you: זהו שאור זהו חמץ - Leaven is treated like chametz. How can Beis Shammai disagree with this teaching which is based on an explicit passuk? The Gemara answers that in regard to the prohibition of eating chametz, no one denies that chametz is treated like leaven and the shiur is a kezayis. They disagree regarding ביעור – removing chametz from one’s possession. Beis Shammai hold לא ילפינן ביעור מאכילה – we do not derive halachos of removing chametz from the halachos of eating chametz, while Beis Hillel say that we do derive from the halachos of eating chametz.
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