Beitzah Daf 15 ביצה דַף 15

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1. Sending tefillin on Yom Tov

The last Mishnah on Daf 14b concluded: זה הכלל - This is the rule regarding what can be sent as gifts to others on Yom Tov, כל שנאותין בו יום טוב – whatever may be used  on Yom Tov. The Gemara here relates that Rav Sheishess permitted the Rabbanon to send tefillin on Yom Tov. Abaye asked Rav Sheishess how tefillin could be sent, when the Mishnah states that only what may be used on Yom Tov may be sent, and tefillin are not worn on Yom Tov. Rashi brings the Gemara in Eruvin Daf 96a that states that while tefillin are worn during the week as a sign between the Jew and G-d, no external sign is needed on Shabbos and Yom Tov, since these days themselves constitute a sign. The Gemara answers that the Mishnah means to say: כל שנאותין בו בחול משלחין אותו ביום טוב – Whatever may be used  even on a weekday, we may send it on a Yom Tov. The Rashba explains that despite the fact that tefillin have no Yom Tov use, the mere sending and receiving of gifts makes a person joyful and are thus considered a Yom Tov need .

2. עירוב תבשילין

The opening Mishnah of the second perek states that when Yom Tov falls on erev Shabbos, a person may not cook on Yom Tov primarily for Shabbos, but he may cook for Yom Tov and if he left over any food, what he left over may be used for Shabbos. ועושה תבשיל מערב יום טוב וסומך עליו לשבת – And one may prepare a cooked dish prior to Yom Tov, and designate it as his eruvei tavshilin, and rely on it for Shabbos. An eruvei tavshilin permits one to cook on Yom Tov for Shabbos without restriction. The Gemara asks what the reason is that the Rabbanon instituted the requirement of eruvei tavshillin, and Rava said: כדי שיברור מנה יפה לשבת ומנה יפה ליום טוב – So that one will remember to set aside a proper portion of food for Shabbos, and a proper portion for Yom Tov. Rashi explains that setting aside the eruvei tavshillin will help him remember Shabbos and not consume all of the food on Yom Tov. Rav Ashi said: כדי שיאמרו אין אופין מיום טוב לשבת קל וחומר מיום טוב לחול – So that people will say to themselves: If we may not bake on Yom Tov even for Shabbos unless the preparations were begun before Yom Tov, then certainly we may not bake on Yom Tov for weekday use at all.

3. חציו לה' וחציו לכם

The Gemara brings a Baraisa that Rebbe Eliezer was sitting and darshening the entire day of Yom Tov, and as various groups of talmidim left to go to their seudos, he criticized them שמניחין חיי עולם ועוסקין בחיי שעה – for they forsake eternal life and engage in temporary needs. The Gemara asks והא שמחת יום טוב מצוה היא – but simchas Yom Tov is a mitzvah, and it answers that Rebbe Eliezer holds that שמחת יום טוב רשות – simchas Yom Tov is optional. For it was taught in a Baraisa: Rebbe Eliezer says that a person has no specific chiyuv on Yom Tov, rather he may eat and drink or he may sit and study. Rebbe Yehoshua says: חלקהו – divide the day, חציו לה' וחציו לכם – half of it should be used in service to Hashem, through learning, and half of it should be used for yourselves, through eating and drinking. The Gemara asks what is meant by a passuk that Rebbe Eliezer brought, "כי חדות ה' היא מעזכם" – For the joy of Hashem is your security? Rebbe Yochanan said in the name of Rebbe Eliezer b’Rebbe Shimon, Hakadosh Boruch Hu said to Yisroel, בני לוו עלי וקדשו קדושת היום והאמינו בי ואני פורע – My sons, borrow on My account, and properly sanctify the holiness of the day, and trust in Me and I will repay your loans.

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