Beitzah Daf 12 ביצה דַף 12

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1. מתוך

The next Mishnah states: Beis Shammai say: אין מוציאין לא את הקטן ולא את הלולב ולא את ספר תורה לרשות הרבים ובית הלל מתירין – We may not take out either a child, or a lulav, or a sefer Torah from a reshus hayachid to a reshus harabim on Yom Tov, but Beis Hillel permit this. Rashi explains that Beis Shammai hold that hotza’ah on Yom Tov is prohibited for non-food related purposes. A teacher of Baraisos taught the following Baraisa before Rebbe Yitzchak bar Avdimi: If a person shechts a donated olah on Yom Tov, he is lashed. Rebbe Yitzchak bar Avdimi said that this must be Beis Shammi, who say that לא אמרינן מתוך שהותרה הוצאה לצורך הותרה נמי שלא לצורך – we do not say that since hotza’ah was permitted for a food-related purpose, it is also permitted when there is no food-related purpose. It is therefore forbidden to shecht an animal that will not be eaten. For if it was Beis Hillel, who say that מתוך שהותרה הוצאה לצורך הותרה נמי שלא לצורך – since hotza’ah was permitted for a food-related purpose, it is also permitted for a non-food related purpose, here too they would say מתוך שהותרה שחיטה לצורך הותרה נמי שלא לצורך – since shechitah was permitted for a food-related purpose, it is permitted when there is no food-related purpose, such as in the case of the olah.

2. Perhaps the machlokes is whether eruv and hotza’ah apply to Yom Tov

Rabbah questions Rebbe Yitzchak bar Avidimi’s interpretation of the machlokes between Beis Shammai and Beis Hillel and suggests דלמא בערוב והוצאה לשבת ואין ערוב והוצאה ליום טוב קא מפלגי – perhaps they disagree whether the institution of eruv and the melachoh of hotza’ah apply to Shabbos but not to Yom Tov. Beis Shammai hold that eruv and hotza’ah apply to Yom Tov as well; they therefore prohibit carrying things out not needed for food purposes, whereas Beis Hillel hold that eruv and hotza’ah do not apply to Yom Tov, and therefore permit carrying out things not needed for food purposes, such as a child, lulav or sefer Torah. The Gemara brings the following passuk as a possible support, for it says in Yirmiyahu, "ולא תוציא משא מבתיכם ביום השבת"  - And do not carry out a burden from your home on the day of Shabbos. We can infer from here that only on Shabbos is hotza’ah prohibited but not on Yom Tov. Since the machlokes is limited to hotza’ah on Yom Tov, even Beis Hillel may agree that one who shechts a donated olah on Yom Tov is chayav malkos, and there is no basis for Rebbe Yitzchak bar Avdimi to say the Baraisa is inconsistent with Beis Hillel. Rav Yosef challenges this explanation.

3. Machlokes if challah and matanos can be delivered to the Kohen on Yom Tov

The next Mishnah states: Beis Shammai say: אין מוליכין חלה ומתנות לכהן ביום טוב בין שהורמו מאמש בין שהורמו מהיום – We may not deliver challah or the meat gifts to a Kohen on Yom Tov, whether they were separated yesterday, before Yom Tov, or today, on Yom Tov, – but Beis Hillel permit this. Beis Shammai said to Beis Hillel, גזרה שוה – we can use a gezeirah shaveh, (which in this instance means a comparison), to resolve this. Challah and the matanos are a gift to a Kohen, and terumah is a gift to a Kohen. Just as we may not deliver terumah to a Kohen on Yom Tov, so too we may not deliver the matanos or challah to the Kohen on Yom Tov. Beis Hillel responded that this is not a valid comparison. אם אמרתם בתרומה שאינו זכאי בהרמתה – If you said that delivery is prohibited for terumah, which one does not have the right to separate on Yom Tov, תאמרו במתנות שזכאי בהרמתן – will you say that the same must be true for the  gifts and challah, which one does have the right to separate on Yom Tov? The Gemara presents three different versions of the machlokes.

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