Yoma Daf 71 יומא דַף 71

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1. When the one who took the se’ir l’Azazel out meets the Kohen Gadol the next day

The Gemara describes the meeting between the Kohen Gadol and the one who had taken the se’ir l’Azazel out to the wilderness, which would take place the following day. Rashi explains that the one who sent the se’ir out, remained in the wilderness until after nightfall. If they met in the street, the one who took the se’ir out would say to the Kohen Gadol,"אישי כהן גדול עשינו שליחותך"  - “My lord, Kohen Gadol, we have fulfilled what you have commissioned us to do.” However, if he finds the Kohen Gadol at home, he says, "מחיה חיים עשינו שליחותו" – “The One who gives life to the living, (referring to HaKadosh Baruch Hu), we have fulfilled what He commissioned us to do.” Rashi explains that when he meets the Kohen Gadol in the street, he honors the Kohen Gadol in public by ascribing the commission to the Kohen Gadol.

Rabbah said that when the Rabbanon would take leave of one another in Pumbedisa, they would say the following: "מחיה חיים יתן לך חיים ארוכים וטובים ומתוקנין" – “The One who gives life to the living, should give you a long, good, and well provided life.”

2. אליכם אישים אקרא

The passuk in Mishlei states, אליכם אישים אקרא – Unto you, men, do I call. Why does the passuk use this unusual word, אישים, for men? Rebbe Berechyah said, אלו תלמידי חכמים שדומין לנשים ועושין גבורה כאנשים – This refers to Talmidei Chochomim, who appear similar to women in that they are non-aggressive  and physically weak, yet they perform feats of heroic strength like men. The Maharsha explains that their heroic accomplishment is overcoming their yetzer hora, which is the sign of true strength.

Rebbe Berechyah also said, הרוצה לנסך יין על גבי המזבח ימלא גרונם של תלמידי חכמים יין – One who desires to offer a wine libation upon the mizbayach, should fill the throats of Talmidei Chochomim with wine, for it is stated in the passuk, "אליכם אישים אקרא" – "Unto you, men, do I call". The word אישים suggests אשה, an offering on the mizbayach.

3. How the bigdei kehunah were woven

The next Mishnah lists the eight begadim of the Kohen Gadol and the four begadim of a Kohen hedyot . The Gemara brings a Baraisa that taught, דברים שנאמר בהן "שש" חוטן כפול ששה – Items which the Torah says should be made with sheish (linen) had their threads spun sixfold. This means that each thread of linen was composed of six strands, spun into a single thread. Furthermore, if items contained other materials in addition to linen, then each of the materials were spun sixfold. "משזר" שמונה – Items described as twined (משזר) had their threads spun eightfold. מעיל שנים עשר – The robe, which was pure techeiles wool, was made of twelve-fold cords. The paroches was made of twenty-four-fold cords, and the choshen and the ephod were made of twenty-eight-fold cords.

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