Yoma Daf 61 יומא דַף 61

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1. Who attains kaparah through the שעיר המשתלח

A Baraisa brings a machlokes regarding who attains kaparah through the שעיר המשתלח. According to Rebbe Yehudah, the passuk that says הכהנים ועל כל עם הקהל יכפר ועל - and he should atone for all of the Kohanim and for all of the people of the congregation, - comes to teach that Kohanim, Leviim and Yisraelim equally receive kaparah בשעיר המשתלח בשאר עבירות – with the שעיר המשתלח, for all other transgressions aside from טומאת מקדש וקדשיו. Rebbe Shimon says that just as the דם השעיר הנעשה בפנים - the blood of the goat that is done inside, is mechaper for Yisraelim for טומאת מקדש וקדשיו, so too the blood of the par is mechaper for Kohanim for טומאת מקדש וקדשיו, and just as the viduy of the שעיר המשתלח is mechaper for Yisraelim for other transgressions, so too the viduy on the par is mechaper for Kohanim for other transgressions.

2. Machlokes when blood spills during the applications of blood

The Mishnah on Daf 60a introduced a machlokes in a case when blood spilled during the application of the blood in the Kodesh Hakadoshim. The Tanna Kamma (Rebbe Meir) holds that the Kohen Gadol must shecht another animal and bring new blood ויחזור בתחילה מבפנים – and redo the application from the beginning. Rebbe Elazar and Rebbe Shimon hold ממקום שפסק משם הוא מתחיל – from where he stopped, from there he starts again. Rashi explained that if blood spilled in the middle of the set, he does not have to start from the beginning. The same machlokes applies to the applications of the blood in the Heichal on the paroches, and on the mizbach hazahav.


On this Daf, Rebbe Yochanan said: ושניהם מקרא אחד דרשו – They both expounded the same passuk."מדם חטאת הכפרים אחת בשנה" – Aharon will affect kaparah…from the blood of the chatas of the atonements, once a year. Rebbe Meir holds,ולא שתי חטאות  חטאת אחת אמרתי לך – I, Hashem, told you to use only one chatas offering and not two chataos. Rashi explains that each stage of the atonement procedure can only use the blood of one animal. Therefore, if the blood spills, they must bring new blood and start again. Rebbe Elazar and Rebbe Shimon hold, חטוי אחד אמרתי לך ולא שני חטויין – I told you to do only one sprinkling (חטוי) and not two. Rashi explains that they hold that there is no sprinkling that may be repeated.

3. The blood of the metzora’s asham is received in both the hand and a kli

It was taught in a Baraisa, the Torah states regarding a metzora, "ולקח...מדם האשם" – And the Kohen shall take… from the blood of the asham, and the Kohen shall apply it to…the person being purified. It could be thought that “taking” the blood means that it should be received in a kli, therefore the Torah teaches “"ונתן – and he shall apply the blood to the metzora. מה נתינה בעצמו של כהן אף לקיחה בעצמו של כהן – Just as the application is done with the body of the Kohen, referring to his finger, so too the “taking” should be done with the body of the Kohen, meaning the blood should be received in his hand. It could now be thought that the blood thrown to the mizbayach should also be received in his hand, therefore the Torah teaches,כי כחטאת האשם הוא – Like the chatas is the asham, which implies that just as the blood of a chatas requires receiving it in a kli, so does the blood of the metzora’s asham require a kli. We therefore conclude that two Kohanim should receive the blood of the metzora’s asham. One receives it in a kli, to throw the blood on the mizbayach, and one in his hand, to apply to the metzora with his finger.

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