Yoma Daf 57 יומא דַף 57

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1. Blood on the paroches

A Baraisa taught, כשהיא מזה אינו מזה על הפרוכת אלא כנגד הפרוכת – When the Kohen Gadol does haza’ah, he does not do haza’ah on the paroches, but only opposite the paroches, without the drops of blood actually coming in contact with it. Rebbe Elazar brei d’Rebbe Yose said, אני ראיתיה ברומי – I saw the paroches in Rome, and there were many drops of blood of the par and se’ir of Yom Kippur. Clearly, the blood was meant to reach the paroches. The Gemara questioned his proof, suggesting that perhaps he saw the blood of the פר העלם דבר or the שעיר עבודה זרה, and answered that he recognized the correct blood because he saw that they had been done in sequence, one above and seven progressively lower.

2. נתערבו לו דמים בדמים

The Gemara asks what is to be done if נתערבו לו דמים בדמים – if the blood of the bull becomes mixed with the blood of the goat before any sprinklings are performed? Rava said,נותן אחת למעלה ושבע למטה ועולה לכאן ולכאן – The Kohen Gadol places the mixture one time above and seven times below, and this is sufficient for both applications. When Rebbe Yirmiyah heard this teaching he said,דמחשכן בבלאי טפשאי משום דדיירי בארעא דחשוכא אמרי שמעתתא – The foolish Babylonians. It is because they dwell in a dark land that they state murky teachings. Rashi explains that Bavel is a low-lying land and therefore a dark one. According to Rava, the Kohen Gadol applies the “above” sprinkling of the se’ir before he applies the “below” sprinkling of the par, and the Torah stated, וכלה מכפר את הקדש – and he shall complete the kaparah for the Kodesh, from which we can infer, כלה דם הפר ואחר כך כלה דם השעיר – Complete the kaparah of the blood of the par and afterwards complete the kaparah for the blood of the se’ir. Rather, the Kohen Gadol first places the mixture one time above and seven times below for the par obligation, and then does the same for the se’ir.

3. עירה דם הפר לתוך דם השעיר

The Mishnah on Daf 53b stated that before doing the blood applications on the mizbach ha’zahav,עירה דם הפר לתוך דם השעיר – The Kohen Gadol poured the blood of the bull into the blood of the goat. The Gemara seeks to identify the Tanna of our Mishnah, and concludes that it is Rebbe Yoshiyah, based on a Baraisa where he says that the bloods should be mixed, and Rebbe Yonasan says that they should be applied separately. Rebbe Yoshiyah said to him: Does the Torah not state that Aharon shall perform kaparah upon its horns  אחת בשנה– once a year, implying that only one set of applications is made from both bloods? Rebbe Yonasan said to him: But does the Torah not state: And he should take מדם הפר ומדם השעיר - from the blood of the par and from the blood of the se’ir and place it on the horns of the mizbayach, implying they should be placed separately? If so, why does the Torah state אחת בשנה - one time a year? To teach you that there is one application for the par and not two, and one application for the se’ir and not two.

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