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In the Gemara on Daf 49b the question was asked, שחט ומת מה הוא שיכנס אחר בדמו – If the Kohen Gadol shechted his chatas par, but died before entering the Kodesh Hakedoshim and sprinkling the blood, what is the halachah regarding the Kohen Gadol who replaces him, using that blood? Rebbe Ami said"בפר" ולא בדמו של פר – that the phrase “with a par”, implies “but not with the blood of a par" that had been shechted. This new Kohen Gadol would have to bring his own par. Rebbe Yitzchak Nafcha said, "בפר" ואפילו בדמו של פר – The phrase “with a par” means “and even with the blood of the par” that had been shechted by his predecessor.
On our Daf, Rav Ashi says that it is more reasonable to concur with Rebbe Yitzchak Nafcha, who said that the blood itself is classified as the par, for it is written, בזאת יבא אהרן אל הקדש בפר בן בקר – With this shall Aharon come into the Kodesh, with a young par. Now, does the Kohen Gadol lead the par in by the horns? Of course not. אלא בדמו וקרי ליה פר – Rather he shechts the par and goes in with the blood, yet the Torah refers to it is "a par”. The Gemara explains that according to Rebbe Ami, the passuk means, במה הוכשר אהרן לבא אל הקדש – With what offering does Aharon become qualified to enter the Kodesh? בפר בן בקר לחטאת – With a young par as a chatas. To become qualified, the new Kohen would have to bring a live par and shecht it as his offering.
The Gemara asks, that even if the blood is classified as “a par”, the alternate Kohen Gadol should not be allowed to use it. ותיפוק ליה דחטאת שמתו בעליה היא – Let it be derived that he might not enter with the blood of the original par, because it is a chatas whose owner has died, וחטאת שמתו בעליה למיתה אזלא – and the rule is that a chatas whose owner has died, goes to its death. Ravin bar Rav Adda said to Rava, that Rava’s talmidim told him in the name of Rav Amram, חטאת ציבור היא ולא למיתה אזלא – The Kohen Gadol’s par is a communal offering, since it is offered on behalf of the Kohanim, and therefore, it does not go to its death when the Kohen Gadol dies. Ravin precedes to bring a proof, which Rava successfully challenges, as he holds that the Kohen Gadol’s par is a chatas yachid, and not a chatas tzibur.
Rebbe Elazar asked the following question: According to the opinion that the Kohen Gadol’s par is a korban yachid, עושה תמורה או אינו עושה תמורה – can it be used to effect temurah or not? The Gemara seeks to explain the basis of this question, since even though the Kohen Gadol is makdish the par from his private property, we know that it atones for all Kohanim. An offering of partners cannot be used to effect temurah. The Gemara concludes that Rebbe Elazar’s inquiry was concerning the Kohen Gadol’s fellow Kohanim who join him in receiving kaparah through the par. בקביעותא מתכפרי – Do they receive kaparah as established partners in the offering, או דילמא בקופיא מתכפרי – or perhaps, they receive kaparah in an ancillary role. An ancillary role, meaning that the korban primarily attains kaparah for the Kohen Gadol and they have the privilege of attaining kaparah with him. In this case, temurah could be done. An unsuccessful attempt is made to resolve this question.
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