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As part of the discussion regarding whether the Kohanim wore bigdei kodesh or bigdei chol when casting lots, the Gemara brings a Baraisa describing how the lots were cast in the לשכת הגזית – the Chamber of Hewn Stone. It was taught that the לשכת הגזית was built in the style of a large basilica. The lots were cast on the eastern side and the zakein, referring to a member of the Sanhedrin who instructed them in the procedure of the פייס, sat in the western side.
Abaye said that we can learn from this Baraisa that the Lishkas Hagazis חציה בקדש וחציה בחול – half of it was in the consecrated space of the azarah and half of it was in the unconsecrated space outside the azarah. For if it was completely in the kodesh space, how could the zakein sit in its western side, for it is said,אין ישיבה בעזרה אלא למלכי בית דוד בלבד – Sitting in the azarah is not permitted except for the kings from malchus Beis Dovid. And if you should say that the entire lishkah was in the chol space outside the azarah, how can the Baraisa state that the lots were cast in the eastern side? והא בעינן "בבית אלקים נהלך ברגש" – We require a manifestation of the passuk, “In the House of G-d we walk with excitement.”, and that would not be the case if it were outside the azarah. Therefore, it must be that the lishkah was half in the kodesh and half in the chol. Abaye also states that it had two doors that opened into the different spaces and brings a proof for this.
The second Mishnah states, הפייס השני מי שוחט מי זורק – The second casting of lots determines who shechts, and who throws the blood, and the other parts of the daily avodah. It does not list who is mekabel the dam from the shechitah before the zerikah. The Gemara asks if we say that the shochet is mekabel, because if we say the zoreik is mekabel, אגב חביבותיה לא מקבל ליה לכוליה דם – out of his passion to do the throwing, he may not receive all the blood. Rashi explains that later we’ll learn that all the blood should be received. Or perhaps we say that the one who throws the blood receives it, because if the shochet receives it, זימנין דשחיט זר – he cannot always do so since there are times when a non-Kohen shechts the animal.
The Gemara brings a proof that the zoreik is mekabel the blood, from the fact that Ben Kattin made twelve spouts for the kiyor so that the twelve Kohanim involved in the tamid could sanctify their hands and feet at the same time. If the one who shechts it is mekabel the blood, then there would be thirteen Kohanim, not twelve.
The Gemara brings a Baraisa that teaches a four-way machlokes regarding the order in which the parts of the tamid are brought to the mizbayach. All agree the head is first. The Tanna Kamma (Ben Azzai) says דרך הילוכו – it is brought the way it walks, from front to back. Rebbe Yose says, דרך הפשטו היה קרב – It is offered in the order in which it is skinned. The animal is suspended from its leg and skinned from rear to front. Rebbe Akiva says, דרך ניתוחו היה קרב – It is offered in the order it is dismembered. Rebbe Yose HaGlili says,דרך עילויו היה קרב – It is offered in the order of its quality. The Tanna Kamma of our Mishnah holds like Rebbe Yose HaGlili, except that he judges quality by the limb with the most meat and Rebbe Yose HaGlili goes by the fattiness of the meat.
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