Yoma Daf 19 יומא דַף 19

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1. The locations of the Lishkas Parhedrin and Lishkas Beis Avtinas

Rav Pappa said, שתי לשכות היו לו לכהן גדול – The Kohen Gadol had two chambers, the Lishkas Parhedrin, where he stayed, and the Lishkas Beis Avtinas, where he learned how to do chafina of the ketores. Rav Pappa did not know which one was in the north and which one was in the south, and concludes that the Lishkas Parhedrin was in the south, based on the following: If it was in the north, the Kohen Gadol, after waking up in the morning, would need to walk around the azarah to reach the mikvah in the south since he is not allowed to enter the azarah before immersion. Secondly, it is forbidden to use the azarah as a shortcut. After his immersion at the end of the day, he would have to walk around the azarah again to reach the Lishkas Parhedrin. ומי טרח מטרחינן ליה כולי האי – Would we needlessly burden him so much? Therefore, it is more reasonable that the Lishkas Parhedrin was in the south and the Lishkas Beis Avtinas was in the north.

The Gemara rejects Rav Pappa’s proof saying מטרחינן ליה טפי – We purposely burden him more than necessary, so that if he is a Tzaduki he will not seek the position. Alternatively, even if he is not a Tzaduki we burden him שלא תזוח דעתו עליו – so that he should not become haughty on account of his position.

2. What happened to the Tzaduki Kohen Gadol

The Gemara brings an incident of a Tzaduki Kohen Gadol that brought ketores into the Kodesh Kedoshim, while it was burning on the coals. One version of the story has this Tzaduki, proud of his accomplishment, die a few days later and thrown into a trash heap, and worms crawled out of his nose. Another version relates that he was smitten on his way out of the Kodesh Kedoshim, while he was still in the Kodesh, for Rebbe Chiya taught a Baraisa which states, כמין קול נשמע בעזרה שבא מלאך וחבטו על פניו – some sort of sound was heard in the azarah, indicating that a malach had come and struck him on his face, and when the Kohanim went in to investigate, they found ככף רגל עגל בין כתפיו – a mark like the sole of a rounded  foot between his shoulders. This is a sign that he was smitten by a malach, as it is stated, ורגליהם רגל ישרה וכף רגליהם ככף רגל עגל – Their legs were a straight leg, and the sole of their feet was like a sole of a rounded foot.

  3. ודברת בם

It was taught in a Baraisa, ודברת בם – and you should speak of them, referring to words of Torah,בם יש לך רשות לדבר – You have permission to speak of Torah matters ולא בדברים אחרים – but not of other matters. Rashi explains that this excludes worthless matters, such as the idle chatter of children andקלות ראש - conversation involving levity. Rebbe Acha said the passuk teaches,עשה אותן קבע ואל תעשם עראי – make Torah matters a fixture in your life and do not make them a temporary occupation. Rava said,השח שיחת חולין עובר בעשה – One who engages in trivial conversation transgresses a positive commandment, as the passuk implies, בם ולא בדברים אחרים – Of them, but not of other matters.

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