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Rebbe Abahu said: גדול יום הגשמים מתחיית המתים – Rain is greater than techiyos hameisim, דאילו תחיית המתים לצדיקים ואילו גשמים בין לצדיקים בין לרשעים - for techiyas hamesim is only for tzadikim whereas rain helps both tzadikim and reshaim. Rebbe Abahu disagrees with Rav Yosef who said: מתוך שהיא שקולה כתחיית המתים קבעוה בתחיית המתים – Since rain is equivalent to techiyas hameisim the Chochomim inserted the mentioning of rain in the berachah of techiyas hameisim. Rashi explains that rain causes produce to grow which supports human life. Rav Yehudah said: גדול יום השמים כיום שנתנה בו תורה – A day of rain is as great as the day the Torah was given, for the passuk states: "יערף כמטר לקחי" – My teaching (לקח) shall drip down like the rain, and the word lekach means Torah, as a different passuk states: "כי לקח טוב נתתי לכם תורתי אל תעזבו" – For I, referring to Hashem, give you good instruction, do not forsake my Torah. Rava said: יותר מיום שניתנה תורה – A day of rain is even greater than the day the Torah was given for the passuk had used rain as a metaphor for the Torah, and a metaphor compares a smaller thing to a greater thing. In this case, rain is the greater thing.
Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak said: Why are words of Torah compared to a tree, as it is stated in the passuk, "עץ חיים היא למחזיקים בה" – It, referring to the Torah, is a tree of life for those who grab hold of it. This teaches you, מה עץ קטן מדליק את הגדול אף תלמידי חכמים קטנים מחדדים את הגדולים – Just as a small piece of wood is used to light a larger piece, so it is with talmidei Chochomim, the younger ones sharpen the minds of the older ones. This is reflected in what Rebbe Chanina said: הרבה למדתי מרבותי ומחברי יותר מרבותי ומתלמידי יותר מכולן – I have learned a lot from my Rebbes, and from my chaveirim I have learned more than from my Rebbes, but from my talmidim I have learned the most. Rebbe Chanina bar Idi said: Why are words of Torah compared to water, as the passuk states, "היו כל צמא לכו למים" – Ho! Everyone that is thirsty should go to the water? This is coming to teach, מה מים מניחין מקום גבוה והולכין למקום נמוך – Just as water leaves a high place and goes to a lower place, אף דברי תורה אין מתקיימין אלא במי שדעתו שפלה – So it is with divrei Torah, that they are remembered only by one whose spirit is lowly, meaning that he is humble.
The Gemara brings numerous teachings for why rain is withheld. Included in the list are the following:
- Rebbe Shimon ben Pazi said: אין הגשמים נעצרין אלא בשביל מספרי לשון הרע – Rain is withheld only because of those who speak loshon hora.
- Rav Sala said in the name of Rav Hamnuna: אין הגשמים נעצרין אלא בשביל עזי פנים – Rain is withheld only because of those that are brazen.
- Rav Ketina said: אין הגשמים נעצרין אלא בשביל ביטול תורה – Rain is withheld only because of bitul Torah.
Each Amora brings a passuk to support his teaching.
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