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The Gemara relates that R’ Beroka of Bei Chozei used to regularly visit the shuk of Bei Lefet, and Eliyahu Hanavi would regularly appear to him. One day R’ Beroka asked him: איכא בהאי שוקא בר עלמא דאתי – Is there anyone in this shuk that is destined to go to Olam Habah, and Eliyahu responded that there was not. Then a man appeared who did not look Jewish, who wore black shoes, which Rashi explains was not the minhag for Jews to wear in those days, and did not have tzitzis on, and Eliyahu said that this man is destined for Olam Habah. R’ Beroka ran after him and asked him what he does, and the man told him to go away and return tomorrow. The next day this man explained that he is a jail guard and does what he can to protect the Jewish girls in prison from the male inmates and from the Gentile wardens. He dresses the way he does so the Gentiles will not know that he is Jewish, and when he hears of a decree against the Jews, he tells the Rabbanon, and they daven for rachamim to annul the decrees. Eliyahu came again and told R’ Beroka that another two men are destined for Olam Habah. They told R’ Beroka that they are badchanim, (comedians) who go and cheer up those that are sad, and whenever they see people arguing, they try to bring shalom between them.
The Mishnah of Daf 19a stated that one of the reasons to institute fasting in every place is על החרב – for armies passing through the land. A Baraisa on this Daf clarifies that the Mishnah is even referring to non-hostile armies passing through the land to attack another country, שאין לך חרב של שלום יותר מפרעה נכה ואף על פי כן נכשל בה המלך יאשיהו – for there was no greater sword of peace than Paro Necho, who was on his way to fight a war with Ashur, and nevertheless Melech Yoshiyahu was killed as a result. The Gemara explains that Yoshiyahu was punished for not consulting with Yirmiyahu whether he should go to battle with Paro Necho. Instead, he darshened the passuk, "וחרב לא תעבר בארצכם" – That a sword shall not pass through your Land, to mean even a sword of peace, for the first part of that passuk states, "ונתתי שלום בארץ" – for I will make peace in the land, which already implies that they will not have hostile armies passing through. Therefore, Yoshiyahu concluded that not even a non-hostile army will come through, and that is why he tried to stop the army of Paro Necho. והוא אינו יודע שאין דורו דומה יפה – Unfortunately, Yoshiyahu was not aware that his generation was not fitting and did not merit this protection.
It was taught in a Baraisa, if a city is surrounded by hostile nochrim, or there is fear that a river may flood it, or if a ship is in danger of sinking at sea, or an individual is being chased by nochrim or bandits or by an evil spirit, על כולן יחיד רשאי לסגף את עצמו בתענית – on all of these, an individual is permitted to afflict himself through fasting. Rebbe Yose says that an individual may not afflict himself by fasting, שמא יצטרך לבריות ואין הבריות מרחמות עליו – for perhaps he will need the help of others and they will not have pity on him. Rashi explains that he might not have the strength to make a parnasa. Rav Yehudah said in the name of Rav, that Rebbe Yose’s reason is based on the passuk, "ויהי האדם לנפש חיה" – And Adam became a living being, which is explained to mean, נשמה שנתתי בך החייה – The neshamah that I gave you, you shall keep it alive.
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