Taanis Daf 2 תענית דַף 2

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1. What is meant by גבורות הגשמים?

The opening Mishnah of the Masechta states: מאימתי מזכירין גבורות גשמים – When do we start mentioning the Powers of Rain, referring to משיב הרוח ומוריד הגשם? Rebbe Eliezer says: מיום טוב הראשון של חג – On the first Yom Tov of the chag, i.e. the first day of Succos. Rebbe Yehoshua says: מיום טוב האחרון של חג – On the last day of the chag, i.e. Shemini Atzeres. The Gemara questions the language of the Mishnah: The Mishnah should say: מאמיתי מזכירין על הגשמים – When do we start to mention rain? What is meant by גבורות הגשמים – the Powers of Rain? Rebbe Yochanan answered: מפני שיורדין בגבורה – because rain comes down with Hashem’s power. The Gemara brings a comparison of two pesukim that use the word חקר – comprehension, to connect rain to the Creation of the world, and it is written that Hashem displayed His power at the Creation. The passuk states: "מכין הרים בכחו נאזר בגבורה" – Who sets mountains with his power, Who is girded with might. We see that power is also associated with rain, which is the reason for the term, גבורות הגשמים – the Powers of Rain.

2. Where do we know that rain must be mentioned in tefillah?

The Gemara asks: ומנא לן דבתפילה – Where do we know that rain must be mentioned in the Shemoneh Esrei? It was taught in a Baraisa: The passuk states: "לאהבה את ה' אלקיכם ולעבדו בכל לבבכם" – To love Hashem your G-d and to serve Him with all your heart. איזו היא עבודה שהיא בלב –Which is service done in the heart? הוי אומר זו תפילה – This refers to tefillah. And immediately after that passuk it is written: "ונתתי מטר ארצכם בעתו יורה ומלקוש" – And I will provide rain for your land in its proper time – the early and late rains. We see from the juxtaposition, that rain is associated with tefillah. Related to this, Rebbe Yochanan said: שלשה מפתחות בידו של הקדוש ברוך הוא – There are three keys in the hand of Hakadosh, Boruch Hu, שלא נמסרו ביד שליח – that are not given over to a shaliach. They are: מפתח של גשמים ומפתח של חיה ומפתח של תחיית המתים – The key of rain, the key of childbirth, and the key of the techiyas hameisim. In the West, referring to Eretz Yisroel, they say: אף מפתח של פרנסה – Also the key of sustenance, as it is written: פותח את ידך – You (Hashem) open Your Hand and satisfy the desire of every living being. Rebbe Yochanan did not list parnasa because גשמים היינו פרנסה – the key of rain is the same as the key of parnasah, since sustenance comes through rain.

3. Did Rebbe Eliezer derive his ruling from the mitzvah of lulav or nisuch hamayim?

The talmidim asked: Where did Rebbe Eliezer derive that we start to mention גבורות הגשמים on the first day of Succos? Did he learn it from the mitzvah of lulav, or from the mitzvah of nisuch hamayim? If he learned it from the mitzvah of lulav, מה לולב ביום אף הזכרה ביום – then just as the mitzvah of lulav begins in the daytime, so too the mention of rain begins in the daytime. Or perhaps he learned it from nisuch hamayim, מה ניסוך המים מאורתא אף הזכרה מאורתא – then just as the libations may be brought even at night, so too the mention of rain starts at night. The Gemara brought the following proof, for Rebbe Abahu  said: לא למדה רבי אליעזר אלא מלולב – Rebbe Eliezer learned his ruling only from the mitzvah of lulav. Therefore, the mention of rain starts in the daytime of the first day of Succos. Some say that Rebbe Abahu  knew this from a tradition, and others say that he heard it taught in a Baraisa.

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