Taanis Daf 18 תענית דַף 18

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1. Why Megillas Taanis lists the Eighth of Nissan twice

It was taught in a Baraisa on Daf 17b that in Megillas Taanis it states that it was forbidden to give a hesped from Rosh Chodesh Nissan until the eighth of Nissan. Rashi explains that reason was because the Chochomim won a protracted battle during those days against the Beitosim, convincing them that the daily tamid was brought from communal funds, not from private donations. Similarly, it was forbidden to give a hesped from the eighth of Nissan until the end of Pesach. Rashi explains that on those days the Chochomim won a debate against the Tzadukim and convinced them regarding the correct date for Shavuos. The Gemara on this Daf, asks why the Tanna listed the eighth of Nissan as being forbidden to eulogize due to the Shavuos victory , when it was already listed as a day when it is forbidden to eulogize due to the Tamid victory? The Gemara answers כיון דאילו מקלע מילתא ובטליניה לשבעה – Since if something were to occur and the Chochomim would nullify the festivals of the first seven days, eulogizing on the eighth would still be prohibited because it is the first day on which the date of Shavuos was confirmed . Rashi explains that if the Rabbanon saw a need to fast on one of those seven days because of some adverse event, then the whole set would be nullified, because they are considered one group celebrating the same occasion, that being the victory regarding the tamid.

2. The Day of Nikanor - 13th of Adar

The Gemara mentions that in Megillas Taanis it lists the thirteenth of Adar as the Day of Nikanor, a day marked as a festival. It was taught in the Baraisa of Megillas Taanis: Nikanor was a Greek governor who waved his hand against Yehudah and Yerushalayim, and he would say: אימתי תפול בידי וארמסנה – When will it fall into my hand and I will trample it? וכשגברה מלכות בית חשמנאי ונצחום – And when the malchus of the Chashmonaim got stronger and were victorious over the Greeks, they cut off Nikanor’s thumbs and big toes and hung them at the gates of Yerushalayim and said: פה שהיה מדבר בגאוה וידים שהיו מניפות על ירושלים תעשה בהם נקמה – The mouth that used to speak with arrogance, and the hands that were waved over Yerushalayim, shall have revenge taken against them.

  3. The Day of Turyanus – 12th of Adar

Megillas Taanis identifies the twelfth of Adar as the Day of Turyanus, a minor festival. The Gemara explains that Turyanus wanted to kill Lulianus and his brother Pappus in Lod. Rashi explains these two brothers were complete tzadikim. When the Jews of Lod were accused of murdering the Emperor’s daughter, they were threatened with mass execution unless the murderers were identified. In order to save their town, they came forward and said that they had killed her, even though they were really innocent. Megillas Taanis describes what occurred. Turyanus said that if they were from the people of Chananyah, Mishael and Azaryah, then let G-d come and save them from his hand, like those three were saved from Nebuchadnezer. They responded that Chananyah, Mishael and Azaryah were tzadikim and deserving of a miracle. And Nebuchadnezer was a fitting king that was deserving that a miracle should occur through him. But you are an ordinary rasha, who is not deserving of a miracle, and if you do not kill us, Hashem has many bears and lions in his world that could attack us. Hashem only placed us in your hand in order to avenge our blood from your hand. Turyanus did not heed their warning, and immediately after he executed them, a pair of officers came from Rome with a directive against him, ופצעו את מוחו בגיזרין – and they split open his head with clubs.

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