Succah Daf 55 סוכה דַף 55

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1. The trumpet blasts were lengthened, or the number of trumpeters increased for mussafim

On Daf 54a, Rebbe Acha bar Chanina taught that a separate set of trumpet blasts are blown for each mussaf offering. After the Gemara successfully refutes his ruling, on our Daf it asks how to understand the Baraisa and passuk that Rebbe Acha bar Chanina brought as a source for his teaching. Ravina said: לומר שמאריכין בתקיעות – The Baraisa and the passuk mean only that the blasts are lengthened, not that they are repeated. Rashi explains that when there is more than one mussaf, the sounding of the trumpets and the song that accompanied them, which took place as the wine libations of these offerings were being poured, were drawn out until both libations had been poured. The Rabbanan of Caesaria said in the name of Rebbe Acha: לומר שמרבה בתוקעין – The Baraisa means to say that where there is more than one mussaf, we increase the number of trumpeters, but not the number of trumpet blasts. Rashi explains that there is no upper limit for the number of trumpeters.

2. The seventy bulls correspond to the seventy nations

The next Mishnah teaches how the twenty-four משמרות divided the bringing of the numerous offerings over Succos, given that a different number from the seventy bulls was offered daily. The Gemara brings Rebbe Elazar, who said: הני שבעים פרים כנגד מי – To what do the seventy bulls correspond, and answers כנגד שבעים אומות – They correspond to the seventy nations. Rashi explains that they provide kaparah for the seventy nations of the world, in order that rain may fall throughout the world, and it is on Succos that the world is judged regarding rainfall. The Gemara continues and asks why the single bull of Shemini Atzeres is brought and answers, כנגד אומה יחידה – It corresponds to the singular nation of Yisroel. This can be compared to a king of flesh and blood who said to his servants to prepare for him a big banquet. When the final day of the banquet came אמר לאוהבו – he said to his beloved companion, עשה לי סעודה קטנה כדי שאהנה ממך – “Prepare for me a small meal so that I may enjoy your company.” Rashi explains that is as if to say that I derive pleasure from your company alone. Rebbe Yochanan said: אוי להם לעובדי כוכבים שאבדו ואין יודעין שאבדו – Woe to the idolaters, who have lost something precious and do not know what they lost. For as long as the Temple stood, the mizbayach atoned for them, but now that it is gone, מי מכפר עליהן – who will atone for them?

3. The source that all mishmaros share equally in the emurim of the regalim

The next Mishnah states בשלשה פרקים בשנה היו כל משמרות שוות באימורי הרגלים ובחילוק לחם הפנים – During three periods of the year, referring to the regalim, all twenty-four mishmaros were equal in the sharing of the emurim of the regalim and in the division of the lechem hapanim. It was taught in a Baraisa, from where is it known that all of the twenty-four mishmaros were equal in the sharing of the emurim of the regalim? For the Torah states: "ובא בכל אות נפשו...ושרת" – and he comes with all the desire of his soul…and he shall serve. This teaches that a Kohen may offer korbanos even if it is not the week of his watch. To dispel the notion that this is even on other days of the year other than the regalim, the Torah states: "מאחד שעריך" – from one of your cities. לא אמרתי אלא בשעה שכל ישראל נכנסין בשער אחד – I have only said that all mishmaros are equal, when they enter one gate , which is at the time of the regalim. During all other times, only Kohanim of that week’s watch are entitled to offer the korbanos.

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