Succah Daf 45 סוכה דַף 45

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1. The eleven amah aravos were placed on the יסוד of the mizbayach

The next Mishnah states regarding the aravos in the Beis Hamikdash, that after the aravos were gathered from Motza, ובאין וזוקפין אותן בצדי המזבח – the Kohanim would come and stand them up at the sides of the mizbayach, וראשיהן כפופין על גבי המזבח – and their tips would be bent over the top of the mizbayach. It was taught in a Baraisa: רבות וארוכות וגבוהות אחד עשר אמה – The aravos were many, and long, and they were cut to stand eleven amos high, כדי שיהו גוחות על המזבח אמה – so that they would be leaning over the mizbayach an amah. Meriemar said in the name of Mar Zutra, that we learn from this Baraisa that they were placed upon the base of the mizbayach, for if they were placed on the ground, they would brush the roof  given that the mizbayach is nine amos high and has two protrusions of an amah each for the יסוד and the סובב. To accommodate the two protrusions, it would be necessary to place the aravos against the mizbayach at an angle. If the tips then extend an amah inward over the mizbayach, they will surely brush the roof.

2. אסרו חג בעבתים עד קרנות המזבח

Rebbe Abahu taught the source which teaches that the aravos must rise above the mizbayach. It is derived from the passuk, "אסרו חג בעבתים עד קרנות המזבח" – circle (the mizbayach) on the chag with (aravah) branches (that reach) to the horns of the mizbayach. We see from this passuk that the branches must reach the mizbayach’s horns. It follows, that since the קרנות rise above the roof of the mizbayach, the aravos too much reach above its roof.


Rebbe Yirmiyah said in the name of Rebbe Shimon bar Yochai, and Rebbe Yochanan said in the name of Rebbe Shimon Hamachuzi, who said in the name of Rebbe Yochanon Hamakose, כל העושה איסור לחג באכילה ושתיה מעלה עליו הכתוב כאילו בנה מזבח והקריב עליו קרבן – Whoever joins the chag to eating and drinking, the passuk regards him as if he built a mizbayach and brought a korban on it, as it is stated, "אסרו חג בעבתים עד קרנות המזבח" – Join the chag to (consumption) of fattened beasts – it is as (blood) to the horns of the mizbayach. Rashi says that the word בעבתים derives from the word עב, meaning thick. There are some that say the passuk is referring to the day after the chag, known as issru chag.

3. ל'ו צדיקים

It was said in the name of Rebbe Shimon bar Yochai, ראיתי בני עלייה והן מועטין – I have seen the people of the highest level and they are few. If they are a thousand, I and my son are among them. If they are a hundred, I and my son are among them. If they are two, they are myself and my son. The Gemara asks if there are so few at the highest level, given that Rava had said that there are eighteen thousand rows of tzadikim standing before HaKadosh Boruch Hu, and answers that Rebbe Shimon bar Yochai was referring to those דמסתכלי באספקלריא המאירה – that view the Shechinah through a clear screen, whereas Rava’s statement was referring to those that do not. The Gemara questions if there are so few that can see through a clear screen, given Abaye’s statement that there are no less than thirty-six tzadikim that receive the Shechinah every day, as it says in the passuk "אשרי כל חוכי לו" – praiseworthy are all who await Him, לו is the gematria of thirty-six. The Gemara answers that Abaye is referring to those that enter with permission, whereas Rebbe Shimon ben Yochai is referring to those who may enter without permission.

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