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Rebbe Yose stated in the Mishna on Daf 41b, that if the first day of Succos fell on Shabbos, and one inadvertently carried the lulav into reshus harabim, he is not chayav a chatas, מפני שהוציאו לו ברשות – because he carried it out with permission to do a mitzvah. Rashi explains that he was preoccupied in doing a mitzvah, thinking about it, and rushing to do it, and Rebbe Yose holds טועה בדבר מצוה פטור – one preoccupied with a mitzvah is patur. Abaye said לא שנו אלא שלא יצא בו – The Mishnah refers only to where he has not yet fulfilled his chiyuv of lulav at the time he carries it out, but if he had, he would be chayav. The Gemara challenges Abaye, since from the moment he picks up the lulav he has fulfilled his chiyuv with it. If Abaye is correct, then when would Rebbe Yose ever rule that one is patur? Abaye answered: כשהפכו – in a case where one inverted it, meaning he picked up the lulav upside down. Rava said that you may even say where he did not invert it. Rebbe Yose’s case would be where he carried it out in a kli. The Gemara asks that Rava is the one who holds, לקיחה על ידי דבר אחר שמה לקיחה – that taking by means of something else is considered a valid “taking”. The Gemara answers that that is only when it is דרך כבוד, not דרך בזיון – in a disrespectful way.
The next Mishnah states, קטן היודע לנענע חייב בלולב – A child who knows how to wave the lulav, is chayav in the mitzvah. In addition to that, a Baraisa taught, להתעטף חייב בציצית – a child who knows how to wrap himself, is chayav in tzitzis, לשמור תפילין אביו לוקח לו תפילין – If he knows how to guard the kedushah of tefillin properly, his father buys tefillin for him, יודע לדבר אביו לומדו תורה וקריאת שמע – If he knows how to talk, his father teaches him Torah and krias shema. The Gemara asks what is meant here by “Torah” and Rav Hamnuna said: It means that the father teaches the child the passuk: "תורה צוה לנו משה מורשה קהלת יעקב" – The Torah that Moshe commanded us is the heritage of Kehillas Yaakov. Krias Shema here, means פסוק ראשון – the first passuk.
The first Mishnah in the fourth perek states: לולב וערבה ששה ושבעה – The mitzvos of lulav and aravah are performed in the Beis Hamikdash for six or seven days. Under what circumstances is the lulav performed for seven days? יום טוב הראשון של חג שחל להיות בשבת – When the first day of the chag falls on Shabbos, the lulav is taken for seven days. ושאר כל הימים ששה – But when the first day falls on any of the other days of the week, the lulav is taken for only six days. For the chiyuv of lulav is not docheh a Shabbos that falls on of the final six days of Succos. The Gemara asks why it should be forbidden to take the lulav in the Beis Hamikdash, טלטול בעלמא הוא ולידחי שבת – The only concern is handling the lulav, which is a muktzeh prohibition, and since it does not involve a d’Oraysa, let this mitzvah be docheh Shabbos? Rabbah answered, גזרה שמא יטלנו בידו וילך אצל בקי ללמוד – the Rabbanon were gozeir against taking a lulav onShabbos, lest one take it in his hand and go to an expert to learn the halachos, ויעבירנו ארבע אמות ברשות הרבים – and inadvertently carry it dalet amos in reshus harabim. The Gemara adds that this is the same reason against blowing the shofar on a Rosh Hashana that falls on Shabbos, and for the decree against reading the Megillah on a Purim that falls on Shabbos.
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