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Rav Pappa asked: נחלקה התיומת מהו – If the tiyumes was split in two, what is the halachah? The tiyumes is the middle double leaf that grows from the top of the lulav’s spine and forms its tip. Rashi explains that the leaf is called a tiyumes because the leaves are attached like תאומים – twins. Rav Pappa is asking in a case where the tiyumes is split all the way down to the spine, so that the top of the spine is split. The Gemara answers, that Rebbe Yochanan said in the name of Rebbe Yehoshua ben Levi: ניטלה התיומת פסול – If the tiyumes was removed, the lulav is passul. מאי לאו דהוא הדין נחלקה – Is it not presumable that the same halachah applies if the tiyumes is split? The Gemara assumes that the removal of the tiyumes makes the lulav passul because it then lacks הדר, and the same would apply when it is split. The Gemara rejects this answer, saying that the case of where the tiyumes was removed is different, דהא חסר ליה – because then the lulav is deficient. Another version of Rebbe Yochanan’s statement has him state that a split tiyumes is considered as if it is removed and the lulav is passul.
Ravina said to Rav Ashi on what basis do we know that כפות תמרים requires us to take a lulav, which is the pliant palm branch whose leaves hug its spine. אימא חרותא – Say that the Torah refers to a hardened branch. Rashi explains that this is a palm tree branch that has hardened for two or three years. Many stems branch off the central one and have hardened and point in different directions. Rav Ashi responded בעינא כפות וליכא – We require that the lulav be tied together, and this condition is lacking in a hardened branch. When Ravina counters ואימא אופתא – but say the passuk refers to a log from the trunk of the palm tree, Rav Ashi responded, כפות מכלל דאיכא פרוד – The expression “tied up” implies that there is a possibility for it to be separated, והאי כפות ועומד לעולם – and this one (the log) is permanently “tied up.” When the Gemara asks ואימא כופרא – but say the passuk refers to a palm shoot, which is a branch that is one or two years old and has begun to harden, but the stems protruding from it still can be bent back and tied to it, Abaye said: דרכיה דרכי נעם וכל נתיבתיה שלום – Its ways are pleasantness, and all its pathways are peace. Rashi explains that since a palm shoot has thorny projections, it is unpleasant for one to hold.
It was taught in a Baraisa regarding identifying a hadas: "ענף עץ עבת" שענפיו חופין את עצו – The term “a shoot of the plaited tree” refers to a species whose shoots cover its branches. And which species is this? It is a hadas. Another Baraisa described the hadas: The term “shoot of the plaited tree” implies קלוע כמין קליעה ודומה לשלשלת – that the tree’s leaves are plaited like a braid, and similar to an interlocking chain, and this is a reference to a hadas. Rebbe Eliezer ben Yaakov says that the term refers to עץ שטעם עצו ופריו שוה – a tree whose wood and fruit taste alike, which is a reference to a hadas. The Gemara asks what the case is of a twig that is plaited, and Rav Yehudah said that it is where the leaves stand תלתא תלתא טרפי בקינא – in clusters of three on each base. Rav Kahana said אפילו תרי וחד – even if they stand in pairs with a third one overlapping each pair.
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