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The Mishnah on Daf 28b stated: מאימתי מותר לפנות משתסרח המקפה ירדו גשמים – If rain was falling into the succah, at what point is it permitted to leave and go into the house? When the rainfall is so intense that the porridge gets ruined. It was taught in a Baraisa on our Daf, that if one was eating in a succah and it began raining and he left the succah and continued his meal in his house; אין מטריחין אותו לעלות עד שיגמור סעודתו – even if it stops raining, we do not trouble him to go back into the succah, until he finishes his meal and wishes to eat another meal. Rashi explains that once he sat down to continue his meal, he is no longer chayav to return to the succah, even if it stops raining. Similarly, if one was sleeping in the succah and it began raining, and he left his succah and went to sleep in his house; אין מטריחין אותו לעלות עד שיאור – even if it stops raining, we do not trouble him to go back into the succah until it becomes light, when dawn begins to break.
The Mishnah brought a mashal for when one is forced out of the succah because of rain; למה הדבר דומה לעבד שבא למזוג כוס לרבו ושפך לו קיתון על פניו – To what does this compare? To a slave who comes to pour wine for his master, and he poured a pitcher of water on his face. The Gemara on this Daf brings a Baraisa that clarifies that it is as if the master spilled a pitcher of water on the slave’s face and said to him, אי אפשי בשמושך – “I do not desire your service!”
The Gemara then digresses to discuss other natural occurrences which serve as an omen of Hashem’s dissatisfaction with the world. It was taught in a Baraisa: Rebbe Meir says: כל זמן שמאורות לוקין סימן רע לשונאיהם של ישראל – When the celestial bodies are stricken it is a bad omen for the Jewish people. We assume that the omen is intended for them מפני שמלומדין במכותיהן – because they are accustomed to their blows, meaning that the Jewish people are accustomed to punishment. This is analogous to a teacher of young children who comes to school with a strap in his hand. מי דואג מי שרגיל ללקות בכל יום ויום הוא דואג – Who is worried about the impending punishment? The child who is accustomed to being hit everyday is the one that worries.
The opening Mishnah of the third perek states: לולב הגזול והיבש פסול – A stolen lulav or a dry one is passul. The Gemara points out that the Mishnah does not distinguish between the first day of Yom Tov or the second day of the chag, and asks that while it is understandable that a dry lulav is passul on any day, because "הדר" בעינן וליכא – we require that the lulav possess beauty all seven days, and this is lacking when the lulav is dry, but for a stolen lulav it is only understandable that on the first day of the chag it is passul, because it is written, "לכם" – and you shall take for yourselves on the first day the dalet minim, which implies ,משלכם it should be your own property, but why on the second day of the chag should a stolen lulav be passul? Rebbe Yochanan said in the name of Rebbe Shimon bar Yochai משום דהוה ליה מצוה הבאה בעבירה – because it is a mitzvah that is brought about through an aveirah. An object that is acquired through an aveirah is unfit for use in the performance of a mitzvah.
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