Succah Daf 27 סוכה דַף 27

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1. How many meals is one chayav to eat in a succah?

The next Mishnah states: Rebbe Eliezer says: ארבע עשרי סעודות חייב אדם לאכול בסוכה אחת ביום ואחת בלילה – A person is chayav to eat fourteen meals in the succah, one during the day and one during the night, for each of the seven days of Succos. But the Chochomim say: אין לדבר קצבה חוץ מלילי יום טוב ראשון של חג בלבד – There is no fixed amount, except for the first night of the chag alone. The Gemara asks for the rationale behind Rebbe Eliezer’s ruling, and answers that the Torah commands “In succos you shall dwell” – "תשבו" כעין תדורו – “you should dwell” in the succah in the way that you dwell at home. Just as one eats one meal during the day and one at night at home, so too he should do in the succah. The Chochomim hold that a succah must be כדירה – like a residence. אי בעי אכיל אי בעי לא אכיל – If a person wants to eat, he eats, and if he does not want to eat, he does not. As to why the first night is also not discretionary, the Gemara brings Rebbe Yochanan, who said in the name of Rebbe Shimon ben Yehotzadak, that there is a gezeirah shaveh of "חמשה עשר" "חמשה עשר", linking Pesach and Succos together. Just as eating matzah on the first night of Pesach is a chiyuv, eating in the succah on the first night of Succos is a chiyuv.

2. Machlokes whether one can use two different succahs

It was taught in a Baraisa: Rebbe Eliezer says: אין יוצאין מסוכה לסוכה ואין עושין סוכה בחולו של מועד – One may not exit from one succah to go to another succah, which Rashi explains means that one may not eat in one succah and sleep in another or use one succah for one day and another succah on the next day, and one may not erect a succah on Chol Hamoed. But the Chochomim say that one may leave a succah and go to another, and one may erect a succah on Chol HaMoed. The basis for Rebbe Eliezer’s ruling is the passuk, "חג הסכת תעשה לך שבעת ימים" – The chag of Succos, you shall make for yourself for seven days, which implies עשה סוכה הראויה לשבעה – that one must erect a succah that is fit for all seven days. The Chochomim say that the passuk is coming to teach, עשה סוכה בחג – Erect a succah during the chag, meaning that one must erect a succah for any of the seven days. Even if he only requires a succah for one day, he must erect a succah to fulfill his chiyuv.

3. Machlokes whether one can fulfill his chiyuv by dwelling in his friends’ succah

It was taught in a Baraisa: Rebbe Eliezer says: Just as a person does not fulfill his chiyuv to take a lulav on the first day of Succos with his friend’s lulav, as it is written, "ולקחתם לכם ביום הראשון פרי עץ הדר כפת תמרים" – and you shall take for yourselves on the first day, the fruit of a citron tree, the branch of a date palm, where we derive משלכם – that one must take from these minim in his own possession, כך אין אדם יוצא ידי חובתו בסוכתו של חבירו – so too, a person cannot fulfill his chiyuv by dwelling in his friend’s succah, for it is written, "חג הסכת תעשה לך שבעת ימים" – A chag of Succos you shall make for yourselves for seven days, from which we derive משלך – the succah must be from your own possessions. The Chochomim say that one can fulfill his chiyuv in his friend’s succah, for it is written,"כל האזרח בישראל ישבו בסכת" – All the natives of Yisrael shall dwell in succos. The passuk teaches, שכל ישראל ראוים לישב בסוכה אחת – that all of Yisrael are fit to sit in one succah. Rashi explains that the passuk implies that the entire nation can fulfill their chiyuv by going into a single succah, one person after the other.  

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