Succah Daf 13 סוכה דַף 13

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1. אגד בידי שמים לא שמיה אגד

The Mishnah on Daf 12a taught that one may not use even kosher s’chach, if it is tied into bundles. On our Daf, Rav Gidel said in the name of Rav, האי אפקותא דדיקלא מסככין בהו – One may use the offshoots of the date-palm for s’chach אף על גב דאגידי – although they are bound together at their base and resemble a bundle, אגד בידי שמים לא שמיה אגד – a natural bundle  (literally - “a bundle made by Heaven”) is not deemed an “אגד”. Rashi explains that the cluster of stalks growing out of the stump, resemble branches tied together at their base. It might have been thought that such a cluster should be passul for use as s’chach due to its similarity to the case of the bundles in the Mishnah. Rav Gidel continues, that even if one would bind the offshoots together, which Rashi explains is done to make these offshoots lay flat and smooth in a way that they cover the top of the succah and provide shade, it is still not deemed an אגד, because איגד בחד לא שמיה אגד – a binding of a single object is not deemed an אגד. The Gemara will discuss whether a bundle of two is deemed an אגד.

2. When bird hunter huts are kosher for s’chach

Rebbe Abba said הני צריפי דאורבני כיון שהותרה ראשי מעדנים שלהן כשרין – These huts made of aravos, once their upper knots are undone, they are kosher to be used as s’chach. Rashi explains that bird hunters would make small conical huts in which to lie in wait for their prey . Long pliable aravos were arranged upright in a wide circle, with their bottoms braided together with a rope to hold them in place. Their tops would then be bent towards the center of the circle and tied together. Once the binding that holds the upper ends of the branches is untied, they may be used as s’chach. When the Gemara asks why they are kosher, since they are still bound together below, Rav Pappa answered that we are discussing a case where he untied the rope holding them together below but left the braid intact. Rebbe Abba is teaching that even though the braiding is in place, the branches may be used as s’chach. Rav Huna brei d’Rav Yehoshua answered, that you can even say that he did not untie the bottom knot. The reason they are kosher for s’chach is because אגד שאינו עשוי לטלטלו לא שמיה אגד – any אגד that is not made in a manner that allows it to be carried, is not deemed an אגד, and is therefore fit for s’chach. Rashi explains that the branches would slip out of the braid once it is carried.

3. Marror vegetables cannot be used as s’chach

Rebbe Abba said in the name of Shmuel, ירקות שאמרו חכמים אדם יוצא בהן ידי חובתו בפסח – The vegetables which the Chochomim said that one may be yotzei his chiyuv of marror with them on Pesach, מביאין את הטומאה – can act as an ohel to make something tamei. Rashi explains that even though their leaves are flimsy, as long as they are fresh and moist and have enough substance to act as an ohel, they can bring the tumah to an object that is underneath it. ואין חוצצין בפני הטומאה ופוסלין בסוכה משום אויר - But they do not act as a chatzitzah against tumah, and they possel the succah when used as s’chach, as if they are open space כיון דלכי יבשי פרחי ונפלי כמאן דליתנהו דמי  – since when they dry up, they crumble and fall down, and cease to form a roof, it is as though they are not here even before they dry up.

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