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The next Mishnah discusses the תרומת הלשכה - withdrawal of funds from the Temple chamber in which the collected shekalim were stored, that took place three times a year. The one who withdraws the shekalim may not enter with a פרגוד חפות - a hemmed garment, nor with a shoe or a sandal, nor with tefillin or a kameya, lest he become poor and people will say he became poor from stealing from the treasury chamber, or lest he became rich and people will say he became rich from pilfering from the funds withdrawn. שאדם צריך לצאת ידי הבריות בדרך שהוא צריך לצאת ידי המקום – These precautions were necessary because a person must satisfy the scrutiny of human beings just as he must satisfy the scrutiny of the Ominpresent, for it is stated, והייתם נקים מה' ומישראל – and you shall be innocent in the eyes of Hashem and Yisroel, and it is stated as well, ומצא חן ושכל טוב בעיני אלקים ואדם – And find favor and good understanding in the eyes of G-d and man.
In connection to an earlier reference to the dalet cosos, the Gemara digresses to examine several halachos relevant to the chiyuv. This includes:
Rebbe Yirmiyah said, מצוה לצאת ביין אדום – It is a mitzvah to fulfill one’s chiyuv with red wine.
The Gemara relates the following incident involving Rebbe Yehudah bar Il’ai, who would develop a headache that lasted until Succos, after drinking the dalet cosos. A certain noblewoman perceived that Rebbe Yehudah bar Il’ai’s countenance was radiant, and she said to him: Old man, old man! One of the following three things is true about yourself: Either you are drunk with wine, or you lend with ribis, or you are a pig breeder. (Lending with ribis and pig breeding require minimal labor and bring in a great income .) He said to her: Let the spirit of that woman suffer agony, for not one of these three things is true about myself. אלא אולפני שכיח לי – Rather my countenance shines because my Torah learning is accessible to me, for it is written, חכמת אדם תאיר פניו – A man’s wisdom brightens his face.
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