Shabbos Daf 87 שבת דַף 87

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1. Three things Moshe did based on his own understanding

It was taught in a Baraisa, שלשה דברים עשה משה מדעתו והסכים הקדוש ברוך הוא עמו – Moshe did three things based on his own understanding and Hakadosh Baruch Hu agreed with him in each instance:

•Moshe added one day of abstinence in preparation for kabalas haTorah.  Hashem agreed and the Shechinah did not rest on Har Sinai until Shabbos morning, which was after the day that Moshe added.
•Moshe separated from his wife after the Aseres Hadibros. Hashem agreed and when He told Moshe to tell everyone to back to their wives, He said to Moshe, ואתה פה עמד עמדי – But as for you, [Moshe], stand here with Me.
•Moshe broke the luchos. Reish Lakish learns from the passuk referring to the luchos, אשר שברת – that which you broke, that Hakadosh Baruch Hu said, יישר כחך ששיברת – Your strength shall be true to its mark because you broke the tablets.

     - Rashi explains that Reish Lakish interpreted the word אשר, which, to mean אישור, affirmation.

2. Which Shabbos halachos were taught at Marah?

There is machlokes Amoraim regarding the scope of Shabbos laws that were commanded in Marah.


•Rava holds that they were commanded to observe the primary laws of Shabbos, but not the laws of techumin, Shabbos boundaries. According to Rava, bnei Yisroel left Refidim on Shabbos and arrived in Midbar Sinai the next day. 
•Rav Acha bar Yaakov holds that the laws of techumin were also given at Marah. Therefore, bnei Yisroel left Refidim on Sunday, and arrived in Midbar Sinai the same day.

3. 10 Crowns of Rosh Chodesh Nissan

A Tanna taught that the first of Nissan, נטל עשר עטרות, - took ten crowns, meaning ten things began on that day.

2.The offerings from the נשיאים
3.The Kehunah
5.Heavenly fire on the mizbeiyach 
6.Eating Kodshim
7.Schechinah residing in the Mishkan
8.Birkas Kohanim
9.Prohibition against bamos
10.The first of the months of the year

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